Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The bell rang, and the class took our seats. The teacher is obviously late, probably got lost. I was reading this book, I loved reading, i'd always get lost in the book. "Tori, get your head out those books, it's not normal you read way to much" Katie said with a hint of sarcasim. I just shrugged it off and carried on reading. I was so carried away I didn't even hear the door open.

"OMG, he's so hot!" Katie whispered.

"Right class, as some of you may know Mrs Brown has left and wont be returning, which means you now have me" I heard a familiar voice say. As he took the register I tried to remember where i'd heard that voice, it was husky.

"Victoria Styles" he said. Katie nudged me, I looked up to find two beautiful peircing brown eyes looking at me. It was Zayn, I only just managed to let out a mumble to point out i was here although he knew. He just looked at me slightly confused. We held eye contact as he carried on reading a couple of names off the register. I broke eye contact and carried on reading. That was until I was hit by a paper ball, before i'd managed to grab it Zayn bent over the table and grabbed it

"And who threw this?" he asked although he already knew. I hadnt even had a chance to read it before he opened it, read it and chucked it in the bin.

"You didnt even let her read it!" I heard Tom parker shout across the classroom.

"You going to the party on friday night winky face" I heard Zayns husky voice say. I just looked at him and got lost in his beautiful eyes. I just shrugged it off, everyone eyes peircing at me. Some people looked confused, I know im a little nerdy but I didnt expect everyone to look so suprised.

"Smooth Tori, although I do need to talk to you abot the party, and what your wearing" I heard Katie whisper.

"Shut up, that's cool, you can come round mine early Harry wont mind" I said sarcastically. I loved whinding Katie up, when we were younger we played dares, Harry Styles, my older brother was Katie first kiss. Baring in mind this was years ago, I still loved to whind her up. Although they flirt all the time, its rather disgusting. She just rolled her eyes and carried on talking Joanna. She was my other best friend she was alot like me she enjoyed reading and drama and dance and music. We're practically like sister all three of us. I recieved a text, I was suprised I hadnt expected anyone to text apart from harry and theres no ways he's awake.

From: * Unknown Number*

- So, you're at still at school. I'm actually surprised you look alot older :) xx

I awkwardly smiled. I looked up at Zayn he had a huge grin on his face. I saved his number to my contacts.

To: *Zayn :) <3*

- I'll take that as a compliment ;) Suprised you're still talking to me :) ox

From: * Zayn :) <3*

- Yeah dont be silly, I'm not bothered that your still in school. Victoria that a really nice name. Btw whats with that douchebag Tom Parker, you dont actually like him do you? :) xx

To: * Zayn :) <3*

- Thats cool :) thanks I dont otfen get called Victoria, my friends call me Tori :) and yeah he's a douchebag, school's 'BadBoy' although he isn't hard. And NO he's not my type, I have standards :) ox

From: * Zayn :) <3*

- Im going to call you Victoria because its a lovely name, and because im your teacher ;). I can tell he thinks he's all that, looks like a pussy. Type? You have a type and what would that be?

The bell rang and the class got upto leave apart from myself I had latin next in this class. Zayn didnt get upto leave, is he teaching me? Latin is a small class, maybe 7 of us.

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