Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I woke up to a familliar surrounding but this wasn't were I fell asleep last night, I was in my room. I got up and changed into my grey jogging bottoms and a geek top. I smelt pancakes. Great harry was cooking breakfast, I was starving. I quietly opened the door.

" You're sure we won't wake her?" Zayn questioned.

" I'm sure, stop fussing" Harry joked. I was so gald that everything was alright between Harry and Zayn.

" Yeah Tori can sleep through a hurricane" Katie stated a little to loud.

" Yes, well shes had enough beauty sleep now" Louis said. I loved that Louis was really funny and sassy, he didnt beat around the bush he was always truthful.

" What's the word, humming bird?" I said as I strolled down corridoor. I walked straight into the kitchen to make myself and Oreo smoothie. I looked at Zayn, his peircing eyes were mezmerizing. I gave him a weak smile.

" Morning, lazy butt" Niall shouted as he ran up and gave me a big hug. Zayn just stood there and smiled at me, I immediately blushed and smiled at the floor.

" Tori are you hungry?" Liam asked. I nooded in response. I saw Harry nudge Zayn, but I didnt think anything of it. Then I heard my phone echo across the room.

From: * Joanna :)*

- I had such a blast last night :D Justin is an amazing guy can't wait for you to get to know him, we've really kicked things off. Hows things with Zayn??? We can grab a hot chocolate later yeah? xxxxx

To:* Joanna :)*

- Thats great news! About time you found someone. He hurts you i'll break his neck! ;) and I really don't know. Harry said he's okay with it as long as im happy and he doesnt hurt me. Havent spoke to him yet :S Kinda nervous! And yeaah Defo 4:30 alright? xoxox

From: * Joanna :)*

- Yeah thats cool and goodluck babes :D xxx

I took my phone off charge and scrolled throught facebook and twitter to see if anyone posted anything about last night. I filled the others in on the gossip with Joanna and Justin.

" Victoria, can I speak to you?" Zayn asked. I felt butterflies in the pitt of my stomach, I knew what was coming, we needed to talk but and I wanted to I was just hoping I could put it off a litttle longer. I didn't want to have 'the chat' where he'd tell me he likes me but im too young and he doesnt want to break my heart or whatever sob story was to come. I didnt know how I felt about him, I mean I like him but was this just a crush theres no doubt Zayn was attractive but what if i'm just a 'kid' to him.

" Hm-mmm I-Uh...Ye-Yes" I sounded like a blabbering mess. I got up out of my seat and walked down to my bedroom signalling Zayn to follow me. I had butterflies in the pitt of my stomach. I had to face the rejection at some point.

"Before yo-you say anything I-I- I'm sor-sorry and i understand if you don't li-like me" I mumbled. Before i could even think to move I felt Zayn's soft lips pressed against mine. It was breathetaking.

~~~~ Zayn's Point Of View~~~~

How could she think I didnt like her. Every since I first saw her, when I first looked into her beautiful blue eyes I knew there was something different about her. Of course i thought we we're rushing into things, but if she was alright with it I was. I couldn't resist her. Everything about her just screamed for me to kiss her. The kiss was passionate and lustful. Our lips moved in sync. I could only hope she felt it to. I reluctantly pulled away, we just sat there staring into eachothers eyes before she spoke.

"Zayn, what are we doing, Is this really what you want" She spoke quietly and innocently. It took me by suprise, was this what I wanted? YES! I know we've only known eachother a few months, but i feel like i've known her alot longer.

"Victoria, Sweetheart' I want you to be happy, I understand that this may have taken by suprise but I really want to make this work. Is that what you want?" She was seemed shocked by what i'd just said. Her eyes started to water as she look and the floor and smiled innocently. I loved that she was smart and innocent, yet also knew how to have fun. She's smart, funny, athletic, talented, kind, amazing and beautiful. Oh boy she was beautiful. We just sat there for a good 30 minutes before we went back to join the other. It was official... We were official. After we told everyone, the boys we're protective but its because they care, and I understand I would never intentionally hurt her. She started talking to Katie and presumably texted Joanna, when I recieved an incoming call from and unknown number. I excused myself and answered the call.

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