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Just a ordinary day. The sky was perfect, the weather in great condition. The city as busy as ever. The cars honking, birds chirping and pearched on wire lines. Nothing seemed to be going wrong. . .


In a intersection, there was a wreak. In the middle of the street lay a dead young woman. The wreckless driver fell from his car in his drunken state. He now witnessed what he had done, and he was filled with guilt.

Many hours later and the world resumed like nothing happened. The trials for the crime lingered but soon depleted after months passed. Still. . .

Where do we go after we die?


will tell you one thing, many of us will get reincarnated. But very few keep their memories.

The young woman that had died from a drunk driving incident, she is no ordinary girl. At least, not any more.

She will be taken, taken to the most horible places to be.

We hope you become the angel Nevada needs. Defeat the demon. Become our Goddess. Restore Nevada.

Click! The door sounds as it begins to open. A man with heavy like figures, glasses, and not much hair growing on top of his head steps through the door.

"Cel! Sweety, I'm home!" He calls out.

From another doorway a bit away from the main enterance peeped out a small girl. Her hair was brown and short, she also wore glasses and was a bit chubby as well.

"Dad! Your home!" Cel says with excitement. Running to him and giving him a big hug, smiling. "How was work dad?"

The man gave her a tired smile. "Tiring as usual. But how about we cook some spaghetti together? I did promise you today is italian night." He giggled as he picked Cel up

"Yay! Italian night!" Cel cheered and giggled as both headed to the kitchen.

The both cooked, laugh and ate together. Just a father and their daughter. All alone in the one place that is supost to be hell. . .

N e v a d a

Welcome to your new home world, Cel.

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