Chapter 10: They'll Have to Deal With It.

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Denki and Neito were sitting in the cafe as Neito noticed Denki's adhd acting up

"Denks? Did you take your medicine today?" Neito asked making Denki snap back to reality

"Huh-what oh no I didn't.." Denki said looking through his bag for them

"I have them Denki," Neito said giving them to Denki

Denki took them as his food arrived a few minutes later

"Denki, do you always get the same thing? You're so picky when it comes to food" Neito laughed

"I only eat certain foods, you know I don't like a lot of things" Denki pouted

Neito laughed to himself as he ate his food

"It was just a joke darling," Neito said

A few hours later Denki and Neito were sitting in Denki's dorm watching TV as someone knocked on the door

"Hold on," Denki said getting up opening the door

"Yes?" Denki said looking at Hanta

"Hey dude, I was wondering if you're okay with me trying to talk to the Bakusquad about you know..?" Hanta asked

"Sure it's fine, but Neito's waiting for me so I have to go" Denki said

"Alright dude, bye" Hanta said walking away

Denki went back into his room as he sat down next to Neito again. A few minutes later Neito slowly started to fall asleep as Denki played with his hair

Next morning

Denki was walking to school with Neito as Hanta ran up to him

"Hey man, I talked to them but they still aren't cooperating" Hanta said 

"Well I guess they'll have to deal with it then." Denki said as he walked into class with Hanta

"Bye Nei!" Denki said as he waved to Neito

Denki sat down writing down some of his notes, when the bell rang the squad went to talk to him

Denki just kept walking as he saw the squad calling him

"Cmon Denki you can do this.. Just keep walking.." Denki said to himself as he bumped into Neito dropping his notebook

"Fuck!" Denki yelled picking up his notebook

"Hey Denks," Neito laughed as Denki noticed who he bumped into

"Ready for lunch? Also what'd the squad say?" Neito asked

"I ignored them for today, until they learn that you're not that bad they'll just have to deal with it." Denki said walking to the cafeteria with Neito

Denki loved Neito and if the squad couldn't accept that then oh well.

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