Chapter 11: Just Shut Up!

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Denki was by his locker as Ashido walked up to him

"Hey Kami? Can we talk about something?" Mina asked

"What." Denki said

"About Monoma, he's not good for you Kami. I mean he's rude to our whole class-" Mina got cut off

"Ashido. Look, I love the squad, but if you guys can't accept my relationship with Neito then maybe I should just leave the squad." Denki said

"Kami, listen to me, he's not good for you. We're talking about the same person right? Monoma the asshole from class b who thinks he's better than everyone else!" Mina yelled

"Just shut up! He's my boyfriend and if I love him then you and everyone else needs to learn to deal with it!" Denki yelled grabbing his stuff storming off

Denki was walking to his dorm even ignoring Neito as he threw his stuff on his desk laying on his bed

Neito watched Denki storm off thinking he did something wrong

"Did I do something?" Neito said confused

"I'm sure hes just upset.." TetsuTetsu said

Neito ran off as TetsuTetsu just sat there

"Mono! Where are you going!" TetsuTetsu yelled but let him go

Neito went to check on Denki as he found Denki crying on his bed

"Denki? Whats wrong darling.." Neito said as he sat next to him 

"Everything is wrong! The squad keeps insulting you, and nobody is listening to me!" Denki yelled

"Nobody believes me when I say you're a good person! And I hate it!" Denki yelled again

"Hey listen to me... Just follow my breathing.." Neito said

Denki did what Neito said and eventually his breathing slowed and softened as he calmed down

"It's okay Denks, just ignore what they think, if you ever feel overwhelmed or stressed call me or ask for help instead of dealing with it by yourself.. Okay?" Neito said

"Okay.." Denki mumbled as he sat with Neito

𝑂𝑢𝑟 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 {𝑴𝑶𝑵𝑶𝑲𝑨𝑴𝑰}Where stories live. Discover now