New Arrival on Base

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Redemption Arc starts now!

Enterprise is on the edge of an airstrip watching a few planes take off.

<<See you later, Enterprise.>> Wiseman says.

<<I'll definitely fly with you again.>> Count says.

<<It's nice to have another girl around.>> Húxiān says

<<I'll tell story to my kid about you.>> Jaeger says.

<<Had a helluva time!>> Skald says.

<<Bye, Miss Enterprise!>> Lanza says.

The six aircraft fly into the distance, Enterprise rolls her right shoulder as she turns around and walks out of the airport with a small limp from her left leg. Soldiers give her a small salute when she walks by as she heads back to the main port.

"What a stressful few weeks." Enterprise mumbles to herself as an Eagle screeches above her.

Enterprise makes it back to base and some ship-girls greet her as she passes. Suddenly an alarm rings throughout the base and many human soldiers, carrying M1 Garand, run past enterprise and towards the docks.

A fire crew runs past along with a truck.

"She must have arrived." Enterprise mumbles as she heads towards the docks.

When Enterprise gets the the docks she sees many soldiers blocking off access to the docks as Ship-girls are along the edge of the docks looking out to the water.

A group of small destroyers, with a few taller ones, and a single small cruiser with white hair and wearing a maid outfit, are trying to look past all the ship girls in their way.

"What is it?!" A blond destroyer asks. "I can't see, Craven?"

"Me neither, Gridely."

One of the destroyer waves her arms up and down, her large sleeves flicking up and down. "Why won't people move!"

"I want sweets." A pinkish haired one says.

"Echo, you always want sweets." Another pink haired one says with a small crown on her head.

"I-I see a big boat, that's r-really damaged!" A blond destroyer with a red ribbon in her hair, says.

"Hobby sees the big boat!" Another destroyer says.

"OJ, It looks powerful, I want to fight it!"

Enterprise, using her tall height, looks past most of the ship-girls and sees three HO ships and Unicorn towing Aicorn's sub behind them. The sub has small fires all around the ship while parts of it spark with red electricity.

The four ships part the sub next to the docks and a group of soldiers set up a ramp and run up it and towards the hatch of the sub. A fire team runs onto the sub and gets to working taking out the fires.

Unicorn, carrying Alicorn, hops off her ship and lands onto the docks. A group of medics and a couple soldiers run onto the docks and towards Alicorn.

"Let me though!" Yorktown's voice rings out.

Enterprise looks towards the entrance to the docks as sees Yorktown talking to an MP.

"Sorry, Ma'am, I can't let you though." The MP says.

"But I have to see Alicorn." Yorktown pleads.

"Miss Yorktown, I would love nothing more than to let a high ranking ship through here, but Commander Sicilia ordered no Azured ships to be let through. You must understand that she's worried for all your safety."

Tears prick at the corner of Yorktown's eyes as she looks past the soldiers and sees her little girl laying on the docks, heavily injured and unconscious.

Enterprise walks over to Yorktown and puts a hand on her shoulder. "She'll be find Sister."

"Enterprise?" Yorktown sniffs as she wipes some tears away.

"She's a fighter, trust me."

Yorktown nods. "Okay."

The medics put Alicorn on a stretcure and start running up the docks.

"Coming through!" The medics yell as they run past the soldiers.

"We need a repair team at the docks!" A female voice rings through the PA systems.

Hood's ship limps into the docks, her ship listing to the left.

"It must've been a pretty tough fight." Yorktown says as she looks at Alicorn's sub with sadness.

"She fought pretty hard... Just like us." Enterprise says as she walks away.

Yorktown smiles. "I wouldn't expect anything less."





Later that night.

Inside an infirmary room, we see Alicorn, passed out on a bed with bandages wrapped all around her body and a breathing apparatus around her face.

Vestal and Yorktown are a few feet away.

"We've managed to repair the most life threatening damage." Vestal informs. "And we managed to undo a lot of the siren reprogramming."

"I feel like there's a but, in there." Yorktown says.

"But... we weren't able to bring her back as you remember her, the siren reprogramming her messed with her head, so she'll be different then what you remember. Then there's the problem with her wisdom cube."

Vestal leads Yorktown over to Alicorn. Vestal puts a hand on Alicorn's chest and pulls out her wisdom cube. It's now a mixture of Blue and black as it once was, but there's a large hole in the side of her cube and there's cracks leading out from the hole. Her cube suddenly cracks more, causing Yorktown to gasp.

"Yeah, her ship wasn't the only thing damaged in that battle. The hole is causing her Wisdom cube to deteriorate and collapse. I want to try and fuse another wisdom cube with this one, but i have a feeling it won't work and it'll just reject it, but if we can get someone to give a part of their cube up, but if they do that'll me they'll be crippled. So I don't think anyone is willing to do it."

Yorktown looks at Alicorn's laying in the bed, then to her damaged wisdom cube. Then she reaches to her own chest and pulls out her bright blue wisdom cube. "I'll do it, I'm already crippled."

"But if you were to do this, it could potentially kill you, if it doesn't you'll be bed ridden for the rest of your life."

Yorktown just smiles. "It's a mother's job to protect her children and make them happy."

Vestal sighs. "Fine, you're such a good person, Yorktown. Everyone looks up to you."

"And I hope one day people will look up to Alicorn, like they do me."



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