Chapter 1

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No one's POV

'Weird...last thing I remember was that I was in heaven taking down God.'

Those were the thoughts of the man well...sort of man as he slowly sat up and rubbed his head when he felt something strange.


This was the first time he was noticing it, he had hair...and...he looked more human.

Without word he had spawned a bucket of water and put it down as he looked at his reflection.

Without word he had spawned a bucket of water and put it down as he looked at his reflection

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"Eeeeeey I look pretty dapper and...young." He said chuckled as he examined himself.

He looked down to his left and saw a bone mask that looked like a pig skull as he picked it up and examined it a bit.

"This will work." He said as he put it on before he put the water bucket back in his inventory as he hopped to his feet.

"Welp time to venture into the unknown...heh frozen reference." Technoblade chuckled as he started venturing into the forest he was in.

" could I forget!"

Technoblade opened his inventory and pulled out a crown as he put it on his head before he chuckled as he continued on.

He had probably been walking for what? A half hour maybe and what struck him as odd was the fact that it was so quiet.

He kept walking before he heard a rustling coming from some bushes up ahead.

"Now that is clearly a trap and only a complete noob would ever think of going to check that out." Technoblade said as he turned around and crossed his arms.

Technoblade just smiled as he turned and walked over to the bushes.

"Hellllooooo? Anyone there?" Technoblade asked.

A figure came out from the bush and it kinda surprised him.

"Huh, not what I was expecting to pop out of there." He said as he looked at the thing that had come out.

Technoblade just examined the creature as he tilted his head before it started to walk towards him

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Technoblade just examined the creature as he tilted his head before it started to walk towards him.

"I take it the idea of a pleasant conversation is out the window?" Technoblade asked smiling charmingly.

As a response the creature just started charging at him.

"Alright then."

The creature raised its claws about to attack him as they brought them down only to met with a sword blocking them off.

"Alright, that was pretty stupid of you." Technoblade said as he pushed the creature back while resting the sword on his shoulder.

"Did you really think, that you could land a hit on me?"

Without another word Technoblade dashed at the creature moving faster than it could counter as he quickly slashed the creatures face as it turned to dust before him.

"Get wrecked noob." Technoblade said as he before he turned and saw another one.

"Oh...was that one a buddy of yours?"

The one that appeared was about to try and attack him but before Technoblade could react a woman with red and black hair appeared.

Her eyes were silver as she wore a white cloak and black robe while she blocked off the strike aimed at Technoblade.

She retaliated with a hard hit to the creatures skull as it turned to dust just like the other one as she turned to Technoblade.

"Are you okay?" She asked and Technoblade nodded.

"Well yeah but ya know, people normally greet each other with a handshake but given the situa-"

Technoblade was cut off however as two more of those creatures came out from the trees.

"Eh, maybe we should take care of these guys first." He suggested and the woman nodded.


The woman went after the one on the left while Technoblade went after the one on the right.

The woman brought out a spear as she attacked the creatures leg making it stumble onto one knee giving her the change to get on it as she stabbed its neck and the creature turned to dust.

While she was taking care of that, Technoblade was deflecting every attack that was being sent his way by the creature.

"Wow this is pretty lame." Technoblade said before he pushed the creature back before he swapped out his sword for a pickaxe.

"They say the pickaxe is mightier than the sword and now..."

Technoblade ran at the creature as he jumped over its attack.

"I'm gonna shove it through your teeth!"

Technoblade brought his pickaxe up and stabbed the creature through the mouth as it turned to dust.

He landed on the ground as he turned and saw the woman walking over to him.

"Man, you really put up a good fight uuuuh..."

"Technoblade and yes that is my real name but you can call me Techno." He said.

"Summer Rose, nice to meet you Techno, ya know it's cool to meet a person with pointed ears." Summer said looking at him.

"And it's good to meet a short lady with a spear." Technoblade said.

"Never seen a girl with a spear before?" She asked and Technoblade thought for a bit.

"Huh, not the usual weapon I see them with." He said.

"So what kingdom did you come from?" She asked him changing the subject.

"Kingdom?" Technoblade asked confused.

"Yeah, ya know, Vale, Mistral, Vacuo, Atlas, any of these places?"

"Actually....I sorta just...woke up here." Technoblade said as he pointed behind her.

"Huh? Seriously?" She asked.

"Yeah, I don't really know why I'm here but eh, it is what it is." He said shrugging as he turned.

"Well it was nice meeting you but I don't wanna get jumped again by whatever those things were." Technoblade said as he started walking.

"I have a place not too far from here if you want, you can stay as long as you need." She offered as Technoblade stopped.

"Thanks but I don't want to be a burden besides I can build my own home with enough time." He said.

"No, it's fine really, I'm okay with it." She said.

"You sure?" Technoblade asked as he glanced at her from over his shoulder.



That's it for this chapter

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