Chapter 11

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No one's POV

Technoblade watched this before he shook his head.

"Not to ruin the moment or anything but you might wake up some crabby people." Technoblade interrupted.

And at that moment Weiss came out and started to have a fit.

"What in the world is going on over here!? Don't you realise people are trying to sleep!?" She exclaimed.

"Exhibit A." Technoblade said as he pointed to Weiss.

"Oh not you again!" Both Yang and Weiss exclaimed seeing each other.

"Guys, they're both right, people are trying to sleep." Ruby said.

"Oh now you're on my side." Weiss said.

"I was always on your side!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Yeah, what's your problem with my sister!?" Yang spat angrily.

"She's a hazard to my health!" Weiss snapped.

"Wow, you really need to let that go." Technoblade said.

"And why should I?" Weiss asked.

"Bed, now."

They all turned as Jack walked out of the darkness as he took out a pocket watch.

"It is late, I can hear you from our campsite and it is rather rude to keep others up, would you not agree?" Jack asked.

Blake nodded and blew out the candle and everyone went to bed.

Technoblade stood in place for a moment before he took his time to walk back to the others.

It was nice and quiet, even though it was rare, he liked it like this.

Technoblade's thoughts then drifted to Ruby, she had grown into a completely different person and yet still was still the same as when he first met her.

Looking at Yang and Ruby, he remembered the promise he had made to find Summers killer and show them hell, he needed to do it for them.

After all, he had promised Qrow that he would protect the two of them with his life and that's what he would do, he opened his inventory and pulled out Summers cloak and held it.

He looked at the sky before he summoned the toothpick and dug a small hole before he filled it with water.

He put the bucket back in his inventory before he pulled out his old bone mask and put it on before summoning his trident and stepped into the water.

He pulled it back before thrusting it into the air as he was sent flying high into the sky.

After that he equipped his Elytra wings before he started gliding as he made his way to Vale using fireworks to keep him in the air.

He eventually stopped gliding as he began diving down to Vale before he landed as he put his wings back and brought out his crown.

It was time to fight some crime as the Blade.


Technoblade had returned that morning after he had stopped about nine robberies when he saw Jack waiting for him while he drank a cup of tea.

Without word Jack merely held out a mug that had some coffee in it which Technoblade took without question.

"Thank you." Technoblade said and Jack nodded.

"It is no problem, now go to the others, I will join you in a moment." Jack said and Technoblade nodded as he went to the others.

Jack sat quietly for a moment as he merely enjoyed the morning as he sipped more of his tea.

"I do enjoy a fine cup of Darjeeling." Jack said smiling as he opened his eye.

"Can I assist you with anything Jaune?" Jack asked not even looking at him.

"Yeah, I'm trying to look for my sword and shield, I don't know where it is!" Jaune said panicking a bit.

"It's in your locker, you put it in there and forgot about it." Jack said sipping more of his tea.

"There's no way, I would have remembered!" Jaune said and Jack merely glanced at him.

"It would not hurt you to try after all." Jack said and Jaune nodded.

"Yeah you have a point, I'll do that." He said as he went to his locker, still convinced that he didn't put it there.

Jack heard Ruby and Yang arguing as he gave small sigh.

He was about to drink more of his tea before he heard the sound of footsteps.

He turned and this time it was Weiss who was walking over to him as he placed his tea cup down.

"Hey Jack." Weiss said with sass in her tone.

"Now it is rather rude to begin the morning with such a greeting so good morning Weiss." Jack said as he looked at her.

"Sorry, good morning Jack." Weiss said and Jack smiled.

"Much better, so how can I help you?" Jack asked raising an eyebrow.

"I was wondering since you're not on a team just yet and you may not get on a team, you could join me and Pyrrha on a team, since your fighting is probably questionable but I believe you are quite smart but I'm only benefitting you so don't get the wrong idea." Weiss said and Jack was surprised by this.

Jack merely adjusted his hat and gave a small chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Weiss asked a bit annoyed.

"Forgive me but I feel there is more to this interaction than what you are saying, so what do you want from me actually?" Jack asked.

"Nothing! I'm just offering you to be on the best team here at Beacon." Weiss said.

"And that would be?" Jack asked.

"Me and Pyrrha." Weiss said.

"I would like to but I must point out the flaws that are in this offer you have given me, the first being that I cannot say yes as I am already part of a team so I must deny you already, the second being that you clearly have other motives than simply requesting that I be on your team as you are not telling me everything and the final is that while you may be cannot simply say that you are the best in the school, over confidence will lead to your downfall." Jack said as he looked at Weiss standing up.

"Never underestimate your opponents because they can always prove you wrong."

Weiss then had a small fit but Jack seemed to notice a small pink on her cheeks.

"Hm, whatever, have it your way." Weiss huffed.

"Until next time, my fair lady." Jack said as he watched Weiss look at him before she turned and stormed away.


That's it for this chapter

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