in all the wrong places

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"Ah, it's nice out here," Owen yawned. "I think I'll sleep up here on top of the clock!" Owen curled up on the rug and fell asleep instantly. Apo clambered over, wiggled between Owen and the building, and fell asleep too. Scott stared at them.

"Well I'm not going to sleep outside," he declared and turned to follow Eloise back through the house. Other rats swarmed the area, trying to decide their own sleeping situations. El turned around and stared at Scott. "What?" He asked her, glancing up to where he'd left Owen behind. El didn't answer, she just shook her head and creeped over the edge of the last drop. Scott watched her go, but couldn't stop himself from looking back one more time.

Owen's sleepy head peeked out through the window to Outside. His eyes focused on Scott still standing there, as if he'd been waiting, and hopped down. "Are you alright, Scott?" Owen asked as the last of the rats disappeared around corners. They were alone.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine!" Scott smiled at Owen. Scott couldn't help it, he had to smile whenever Owen was around. Owen didn't look like he believed it this time, though.

"You sure? Because-" Owen gestured back up to the rug where Apo was sound asleep.

Scott's heart raced. What was Owen asking? Did he want to join the cuddle pile? Why did it suddenly feel like something was squeezing his throat? "Oh, no, I just don't want to sleep outside," he mumbled, repeating what he'd said to El.

Owen paused, taking that in. Did he believe it? It didn't seem like El had, but maybe if he was lucky- "Oh, alright," Owen shrugged.

Scott watched Owen turn and scramble back up the clock, back to the carpet where Apo was waiting. He imagined them curling up together, sharing warmth in the cool summer night. Whatever was closing his throat dug a claw into his heart. It hurt. Owen wanted to spend time with Apo, his friend, and it hurt Scott. Why?

Confused, Scott turned around and jumped down. He found his way to the dumbwaiter and mechanically jumped up to the second floor. Scott didn't turn right or left, he just ran straight for the attic. He watched his paws while climbing the stairs. Did he- was he jealous? Scott paused at the top of the stairs. Jealous of Apo? What did Apo even have with Owen for Scott to be jealous of?

Scott scurried to his house and checked every corner. It was as he had left it: just so. He sniffed in each corner. It smelled of home. Home... he missed the outside. He missed the growing things. Scott considered the newest room in his house. "I think I'll move my bed over here. It's better for a bedroom, it's got a better view." Scott looked out through the windows of his soon-to-be bedroom, towards Owen's clock. He clearly liked the biggest rat that made all the rules. Why hadn't he slept out there when Owen invited him?

The tiniest thread of jealousy stole into Scott's heart.

Why did Owen like Apo???

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