Chapter 3

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Chapter 3, Interstellar Era

    It should be the time when the sun is just right. Xiahouyu also saw the light shining in from the sun in Gu Xun's room just now, but when the two stood inside the glass door, she suddenly realized that the world outside the glass was completely invisible. sun!

    Xia Houyu's index finger gently rubbed the side of his thumb, his mind was spinning rapidly.

    But Gu Xun obviously didn't think there was any problem with this, all of his body and mind were focused on Xia Houyu's inability to leave his home: "Did you just get sucked back here?" Gu Xun asked, pointing at the glass door.

    "Almost." Xia Houyu put aside the complicated thoughts in his mind, and stepped up to the place where he was standing before, "It should be here."

    "But now you are already standing here, nothing happened?" Gu Xun Very puzzled, he tilted his head and scratched his head, his eyes were misty and ignorant, looking innocent and innocent.

    Xia Houyu frowned, his expression unchanged, he took another step forward tentatively, and touched the glass door with both hands.

    But this time, nothing happened, and they all stood here.

    "It's strange, why can't I be here?" Gu Xun muttered in a low voice, stretched his hand near his lips, and wanted to bite his nails, but suddenly remembered that there was an outsider in front of him, put his hand down as if nothing had happened, and coughed lightly , "It's really strange."

    Xia Houyu looked at the blank Omega in front of him, thought for a while, and said, "Maybe it's really because you are here."

    "Huh? What do you mean..." When Gu Xun said this, his eyes widened suddenly. He is a screenwriter after all, and he has some brains. When Xia Houyu said this, he immediately thought of a possibility, and his heart skipped a beat.

    "I mean, I may not be able to leave your house, or, I may not be able to leave you." Xia Houyu's voice was cold and slightly magnetic, like the kind of young alpha that Gu Xun likes to write in his scripts the most. The sound is refreshing and clean. Normally, Gu Xun would be stimulated by the sound to make his heart beat faster, but now, his heart beats very fast, but it has nothing to do with the sound at all.

    "What? Can't leave? Impossible, how could it be?" His voice became smaller and smaller. Thinking of Xia Houyu's origin, he actually felt that Xia Houyu couldn't leave him. Why should he, an innocent Omega, be tied to a strange alpha!

    Xia Houyu didn't know his entanglement, but he could feel his resistance to this conjecture, so he said: "Why don't you try again, this time, you leave this place, and I will try it alone."

    "Ah? Okay " After Gu Xun finished speaking, he was about to open the door and walk into the house. Xia Houyu grabbed his wrist and said in a low voice, "Not over there."

    "Huh?" Gu Xun looked back suspiciously, "I didn't mean to leave Is it here?"

    "Leave this house and try to see if I go back to the room or..." Xia Houyu didn't finish what she said next, but Gu Xun obviously understood what she meant.

    She wanted to see if she would go back to the house next or be pulled to her.

    Although it sounds outrageous, a strange person has already appeared, and the situation she predicted is not impossible.

    Gu Xun used his optical brain to order an aircraft in front of Xia Houyu. He is not worried about being noticed by Xia Houyu now, and with her IQ, he probably already noticed something wrong.

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