Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

    When Xia Houyu and the others saw that person leaving in the aircraft, their hearts tensed.

    However, the aircraft sent the boy to the middle of the mountain, and suddenly disappeared.

    Xia Houyu probed his mental power downwards in the direction he guessed.

    She moved her mental power inch by inch, trying not to have any loopholes.

    Finally, the figure of the boy appeared again within the detection range. She extended the tentacles of mental power there, but found that the detection range of mental power had reached the limit.

    She vaguely saw the boy in the distance smiling in her direction, unrestrained and unrestrained, but out of season.

    Xia Houyu was taken aback, that boy, did he find them?

    So is the place where he landed a real hideout? Or is it just a bait to lure them past, the real enemy camp is elsewhere.

    "Boss, how are you? What did you see?" Seeing Xia Houyu's face changing slightly, the impatient person couldn't help asking.

    Xia Houyu didn't speak, but stared at the boy who slowly disappeared without a trace, feeling heavy in his heart.

    "Boss?" Chu Feng stepped forward, he could no longer see the scene over there, and now he could only feel anxious.

    Xia Houyu's eyes were firm: "Let's go up the mountain."

    Regardless of whether it was an enemy camp or a trap, she would not be reconciled if she didn't go through it all.

    "Slow down and take it easy, Yun Zhen's work should not be over yet, let's check the situation first, and don't rush to attack." Xia Houyu said again.


    ... in

    Boca City.

    Yun Zhen and others have been carrying out rescue operations non-stop since they arrived in the city.

    The city was already devastated, and they didn't have many people, so they chose the place with the fewest enemies first.

    After they rescued some residents, they asked if they would like to help them deal with these people together.

    Most of these residents have been ordinary people for generations, have never held a gun, and shook their heads and refused.

    Although some people expressed their willingness to join, they were still weak.

    When they ran from one area to another, a lot of time had passed, and Yun Zhen couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

    There are old, weak, sick and disabled people who have just been rescued in the team. They follow the team and find a place to settle down when they get to a safe place.

    Suddenly, an old man said: "They have changed, they are not the former Biya God Sect, and my son will not come back." The

    old man just whispered at first, but soon began to lose his mind.

    His eyes were painful, tears kept falling, and he kept repeating this sentence in his mouth.

    Seeing something wrong, Yun Zhen's team members immediately reported it.     Yun Zhen looked

    at the old man sympathetically when he heard the words, and said gently: "Grandma, do you know the exact location of the Biya God Sect?"

His son was involved in this organization, so he asked this question.

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