Poisonous-Needles ,,

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OK. Said I was NOT gonna make a subspace x Medkit,in which.. it well uh, ISNT.

It's a story based on toxic relationships. Medkit PLUS Subspace mwme
Heavy topics and just me being an complete dumbnut and projecting

So, yeh.. Yeah.. Sob. this is how i see the ouch my eye u jerk ahhhh

I was quite reluctant on writing this, but I felt so frustrated with how like, fluffy subkit is viewed?

I mean, do what u want to do, i prefer sticking close to canon is all, and if they WERE to date? Or dated? This is how i view/viewed it as.

this story is jst for me mostly.. i have fire burning inside me ong,
edit; im finished and im eepy now

With that, Subspace's mask clicked to their mouth... Purple-ish fumes gently flew into the night eerie sky. Only crickets and the sound of what seemed to be bullfrogs croaking covering the smokes' misty noises. "So. You're just going to click it back on, just like that?" Medkit huffed, their hand clenched to a fist. Their expression lay stoic.

"Does it occur to you that my features of mine are to be kept to my eyes and my eyes only, love?" Subspace cracked their neck, their posture disfigured at most... Soft but disgusting cracks were heard amongst the night. Medkit's breathe and those crackling becoming louder.


"Mhhm..~ Love." Subspace let out another crack from their back, their posture more naturalized. "Stop... Calling me that." Medkit spat, their fist growing tighter. Medkits heart screamed from the inside, begging to just blow another hit to Subspace's mouth. Just to get them to shut up... Subspace, an eyebrow raised to their dismay... Still, their feet turned away from Medkit, an expression so unhinged they felt like it was generous to cover up such a grin from their eyes. "Is that so...!!" They cheerfully chirped, humming afterwards. "Is, ---- Preferred?" Subspace giggled.

Medkit tensed, their shoulders risen to their neck as they shifted their feet, ready to lunge.

"Ah, do that and you won't like me!" They let out a soft purr, giggling. Medkit stopped themself, breathing in and out to themself, muttering under their breathe many things.

"It would be nice to have you realize how much those robots mean to me." A desperate but close tone leaving the mask, it also seemed cracked possibly... Medkit's pupils shook a tad, Subspace now turning over to face Medkit.

"T-those robots are pure evil. I.. Never, would've sacrificed my time, my effort for such--"

"A person like me?" Subspace now turned fully, staring into the shaken eyes of their "Lover." Subspace hummed. "Those robots... Are my work, yes... You may have helped me but, you were most an asset to my creation~. And. I appreciate that." Subspace grew closer, the fumes growing less intense as their feet.. Drew closer, every step on the wet grass leaving crunches.

Medkit's hands shook, their gloves felt like they had tightened. Their feet too exhausted to move, they have been arguing, fighting, being completely out of line for the past.. Who knows how long.

Subspaces long disgusting palm cuffed Medkits cheek, they flinched. "W-what... Are you.." Medkit's breathe seem to have calmed down some more, their mouth a little wide open. Their pupils appeared to be shaking still although, staring straight ahead into Subspaces'.

"How about, a reward?" Subspaces' voice felt gross, icky, taunting even. Didn't even sound like a question... more of a demand.

A set of mumbles only coming out from Medkit. Subspace's other long fingers grasped Medkits cheek so gently, rubbing it.

Medkit felt so disgusted with themself for enjoying that touch... Too engrossed to care. Medkit leaned into Subspaces touch.. Their eyes drooping as Subspace, behind such a mask grinning wildly. The mask, as if listening to commands shifted below to their neck. Held up by two lonesome grey wires. Medkit was not surprised by this face of theirs, have been seeing Subspaces ugly grin but pretty soft skin...

Subspaces' lips began closing into Medkits, Medkit pooled, sweat driving down their back in response. They hated this. They hated them they hated their touch, their lips.. Everything, but couldn't help how delicate they were. Medkit's lips trembled after Subspace had stopped the sensation, both of the two Phighters eyes grew open slightly.

"Seemed like you still love me. Such a shame..." Subspace cocked their left eyebrow, the mask acting like a magnet shifted back into place, hiding those precious lips once again. Medkit felt guilty, ashamed for such... They couldn't help it.

"No matter... Your adoration is much appreciated. To an extent...." Spoke of Subspace, their voice lowering at the last part.

"I... Mmh..." Medkit let out a soft whimper, unable to speak after everything, how they had been wronged twice in a row in a span of a day. How stupid were they to trust this Phighter with open arms? And does it again?

Surely, they were to deal with such consequences.

And so, they shall.

Subspaces' filthy mits gripped Medkits shoulders, pushing them to the wet grass. The other let out a quiet cry before those long claws dug into Medkit's fleshy skin, draining bits of blood. Making those low painful squeaks louder. Subspace letting out a peak of laughter in delight, enjoying their agonizing pain, yearning more. "Whoops~." They giggled, basically sitting their whole-body weight on Medkit as they held them down... Leaning closer to their face.

Medkit panicked and began struggling pushing Subspace off of em in an attempt to get that garnish smell coming from their mask. "Y-you... Are so, so.." Medkit peered into Subspaces' eyes, those pretty pink eyes making their words come to a close for a few seconds. "I.. H-hate how much you know I care about you.. Using it to your advantage... 'N such...." Medkits palms hit Subspaces' chest, so weakly although due to their exhaustion.

Medkits eyes now full of gentle tears began streaming down their cheeks. Soft breathes of pure hatred leaving their twitching lips. Subspace held back from wanting to lick those tears clean off.

"Does not ever sound like my fault at all... I was merely being a nice Phighter you see every day, no? We fought, Medkit. We drank together, we had fun together and eventually.." Subspaces' Fumes began hovering behind them, Medkit's eyes too weary by the tears to notice.

They were too blurry eyed to even notice Subspaces gnarly claws raising near their left side.

"We will fight, together."

Subspaces' claw raised.

Lunging towards Medkits left out without hesitation.

Blood splattered onto their claw as a particular roundy oval shape laid on their ring finger, close but not quite to their ring.

If it weren't for the insects...

Medkit's cries of pure agony would have boomed louder.

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