MY phighting hcs

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this will uncover, relaitonships(that are importantish), enjoyables + icks, additional info etc..

alsoo CW; smoking ment(yeh

(THEY AL L USE THEY/THEM.!!111111 (i feel like im the only perzon who doez thiz, but thatz fine!!) BROKER-THEY/HE)

(yeah, erm the phighterz all are genderless and just, have preffered pronouns, he/him, excluding vinestaff she/her idk??? lol?? cuz everyone calls them she? which i find strange i guess, ? anywho,, err they have prefferd yes, but that doesnt mean they ONLY use he/him yk? so, to "piss" people off and for my comfort sake, they/them is an order !1 my nonbinary phighters, :bigassheart:"


Sword/Swordsman. ; 
They're pretty laid back but still have that stiff cocky attitude once and a while.

Rocket has shown them that it is okay to be themself 'n such, like being able to talk to others without feeling so nervous. (Yes I hc'd them when they were younger ish anti-social, def not projecting.)

They make quite the jokes sometimes, mostly bursting out laughing at Rockets though.          They enjoy skygazing, training, and overall just laughing and spending their time wisely. 
VenomShank, their mentor had been tutoring them for quite the while..

Their stern but gives wise out view for Sword, trying to better their skills on the weekdays.
(Pretty certain Sword and Rocket would live in apartments next door to each other! Cuz their cool bestfrens,)

As for welll clothes wise,(IK THEIR NAKED OKAY.) Clothes that are baggy, or don't necessarily fit them properly but they find it comfy. Mebbe piercings aswell. Who knows,



I can see them not making a huge profit, I can also note that they most likely shoplift, pull pranks and other silly things. Like spray-painting with Slingshot and doing awesome tricks at the Skatepark.

They often try to make themself seem cooler than they actually are to impress those around them. Their quick to get embarrassed and hate falling behind, via in battle, strength, agility.

They strive to be the best but also not realizing that the other Phighters are fine with them the way they are.
I feel like they'd most likely rent apartments, keeping a goldfish to talk to constantly. (About Slingshot..) And just go on and on... I also note that they would MOST likely talk to Boombox about such feelings 'n such. ~
They also named their Skateboard Jenpie. (Jen-Pie) Yeh.

Mmmmm big hoodies, def, but they put the sleeves up to show their long neon gloves,(Slingshot and them match it.)

they wear onesies ,, def, a shark most likley! or a dinosaur, 

tthey also hate being babied or treated lower.


Not much to say here? Just the hivemind they all have really,
Out for blood,

That mechanical voice every one of em has,
I feel like they'd also have a self destruction button..
Overheating and begin melting if too hot.

They dont have any feelings, bitchass mentality/j


An old toughie who still trains with themself, slicing bamboo 'n overall relaxing and meditating for a living.
Their mask is to represent themself. (It looks like a warthog? Or a beetle, either or) I can just feel them radiating protective and kind of introverted energy from it? The words they speak are always with a calm tone behind it.

The mask comes off when they eat, (barely) but not when they sleep. They;'re also a light sleeper and expect any danger at any given moment.. Even in their comfortable abode.

Katana finds Shuriken, Slingshot and VineStaff to be quite polite, although not interacting with them much to really have a blink thought.

Feelin when they first met Katana was out training and Shuriken saw them doing so, watching over them do it and then Katana well, did notice but didn't find them a threat, till Shuriken brought their sibling and roomate over to watch.. 

Then Katana looked dead at them and the three got so scared but Katana reassured them it was quite fine, etc etc they talked and had tea
balhlahlb alha talks my head off.

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