In the Past

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"Regular Talk"

Regular Thinking

"Demon Talking"

Demon Talking

In the Past

"Sensei, is that a girl there?" Called a young male voice toward a man with shocking blonde hair and deep sea blue eyes and tan skin. "Obito, please word your words more carefully, it made her sound like an object." Say a young brunette with purple marking on her face. "Sorry, Rin" replies the male of the same age with short, spiky black hair and eyes as he clutches the back of his neck as well as chuckling. "Well to answer your question Obito, yes, and she seem to be vary alive with severe chakra exhaustion." Answer their teacher. Suddenly a teen with gravity defying, silver hair appears, "Minato-sensei, there seem to be no residue of charka here or in the surrounding areas to indicate a fight or enemies." "Thank you, Kakashi." Replies as Minato decide whether or not he should eliminate the girl or not.

The girl turn from her side to face up toward Minato and his group, opening her eyes, "I made it" she whisper then closing her eyes as tears falls. Seeing her eyes, Minato chose to take her back to Konoha and if needed to he would eliminate her on the spot. "Well back to Konoha." As he move to carry her in his arms. "Are you sure Sensei?" Minato just smile.

"You can't be serious, Minato." Sign the Third Hokage, "You do remember we are in a war right?" "I do remember, but please give her a chance." Replied Minato with a strong will. "And why should I give her a chance, for all you know she could be a spy from Iwa." Signing again, I'm too old for this, "It was her eyes, they shouldn't be like that" "Its war, there no ends to those kind of eyes." "But hers was different. It was like she seen hell more time than all of us combined, lost all of her loved ones over and over again. Broken in too many places that it is unrepairable, yet it still repairs only to be broken again. Eyes that had hope extinguished in them to only have them burn again, if not dimer or brighter. That is what I saw in her eyes, Hokage-sama." Replied Minato with a serious face standing there and staring right into the Third's eye. Everyone who was in the room was baffle at the description Minato has given to them of her eyes. "Fine, but I want charka restraints and immediate notification on her being conscious." said the Third as Minato smile.

After a few days, the girl awaken to the blinding white that was on the ceiling and walls. She notices that her body was slightly different than before. Her body age seem to be about 8 years younger, but still had the muscles she needed to complete her plans if not thinner. Her skin was still a sick pale color but it was getting better. Her hair was still the same but was shorter than before, just a bit below her shoulder blades and the tips was a red. She got up to use the restroom, looking into the mirror, she could tell that she loss a lot of weight, maybe 20 lbs. and her eyes was still the same, if not brighter. As she reenter the room, she notices that the Third as well as the Minato was already there for her to answer their questions. She didn't say anything, just continues to the bed and sat there before turning to them.

"So, who are you?" ask the Third, "Who I am is a highly classify secret, if you want to know who I am then please put seals in this room so that no one can hear us speaks." Replied the girl. The Third sign then Minato and him move to the seals already in place and activate them.

"Go on"

"I am Uzumaki Naruto and I am from the future." The Third and Minato was shocked, this tactic was never used before as well as the mention of the name Uzumaki, and they were also usually red head and not blondes.

Naruto continues "From where I come from, about two decades from now, it not a good place to live in."

Naruto look at the two to see if there was anything needed to be asks then continues on. "This was our last choice. Well, mine." She look down at the last part. "In two decades, there will be the Fourth Ninja War, but in this war, it was a fight for humanity, for peace."

The Third and Minato just swallow the thick mucus down their throats at the knowledge of having at least two decades of peace or less till the next war and that they are still fighting in the Third Ninja War.

"The only good thing about the Fourth Ninja War is that all the nations banded together to fight one enemy." There was a small smile on Naruto's face, "but the enemy was too powerful to fight in the end, so I decided that when worse come to worse when there was nothing else to do, that I would come back in time to change everything."

Naruto stop talking and wait for the all-knowing replies that she could get. "If what you say is right, then would you allow us to go through you memories." Ask the Third "You are more than welcome, but can you try to look at the memories that are not around myself in my childhood, my childhood wasn't the best and I don't want to remember it as well as not having Orochimaru nearby." After a pause, "Fine, but for now rest, we will come back I a couple of days." Replied the Third as he deactivates seals and leave the room. Minato just stood there then took her hand and gave it a small squeeze then leaving.

Of course after sleeping for some time, Naruto wasn't ready to go back to sleep instead maneuver to the other side of the bed and look out of the window to see Konoha, even if it wasn't her Konoha it was still Konoha. It was also nice to see colors other than white and red.

"I will save it this time."

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