The Memory Scan

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"Regular Talk"

Regular Thinking

"Demon Talking"

Demon Talking

The Memory Scan

It been a couple of days since the meeting with the Third but he still hasn't come back or send a message to Naruto. Naruto was still suck in the god forsaken blinding white hospital, thinking about pranking the hospital by painting the walls bright ass fucking orange, when a voice call out to Naruto.


She turn to see it was Minato and her blank face turn to a warm smile, "Hello." Minato couldn't help but smile back at her. "Today, I came to tell you that the Hokage won't be free till tomorrow night, he has to deal with your paperwork, so to help pass your time I came to introduce my team that kind of help you-ish." Said Minato with a bright smile and motion for his team to come in, "This is Rin, Obito and Kakashi. Oh! And I'm Minato, though you probably know our names already." "I do, but it is still nice having introductions. I'm Uzumaki Naruto." Smile Naruto. "Hey, are you a spy?" ask Obito before being hit on the head by Kakashi, "Like hell she would tell you like that." "Ow." Naruto smile at the two knowing how close they been, "No, I would never hurt or endanger Konoha." With the way Naruto had said it, you felt as if could trust her with that. "Um, Naruto, how old are you? You look the same age as us." Ask Rin "Well, my body seem to be around 12 but I not too sure." "Ah, thank you." Say Rin who was nervous already nervous started to look down "Its fine to ask me question." Rin then snap up in smile.

After talking for three straight hours, Team 7 left to go do their missions, patrolling. Knowing that she can't do anything, not even trying to talk to the fur ball, Naruto decided to sleep until the hokage come for his visit and close her eyes.

When she open her eyes, the hokage was in the room along with Minato and other people for the memory scan. "So are you ready?" "Yeah, and I know the procedures. Not my first time and hopefully maybe my last memory scan." The Third flinch ever so slightly to the last sentence. After the preparation was finish, they started the memory scan jutsu. Memories flashes before their eyes.

"A man screamed 'Demon Brat!' and a mob descend upon the child and begins to beat the child to death."

"Did you heard of what happen to the Uchiha? It was a massacre by their own!"


"I need to be stronger."

"Stand a man with white hair snared 'YOU ARE THE KYUUBI!' and laughed"

"A man with a scar across his nose said 'Kyuubi may be in Naruto but NARUTO IS NARUTO!!!'."

"Congratulation Naruto."



"Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, and Hakate Kakashi"

"Those who break the rule are trash. Those who betray their teammates are worse than trash."

"Team 7 pass the bell test."


"Do you have anyone who is precious to you? When you have someone precious to you, you are stronger."


"The Great Naruto Bridge"

"Chuunin Exams"


"Gaara, the jinchuriki of Ichibi"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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