Death Eater's Daughter-Book 1

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  • Dedicated to Paul Lundin, the best dad ever!

Chapter 1

My name is Julianna Harcourt.  And this is the dreadful, miserable, heart-wrenching story of my life.

I don’t remember much of my childhood. It all seemed to go by so fast. I’m glad that much of it hasn’t stuck in my head. It never was a bowl of cherries. It was horrendous- surviving each day was an accomplishment, breathing was a relief, blinking only another feat to overcome. That’s kind of how things are when you are living with Dolores Umbridge.

She was not my blood mother. My real mother had passed away years and years ago; so long ago that I don’t recall ever having feelings for her. I probably did. My father had apparently been a Death Eater. He went into hiding to avoid being caught again. I don’t remember him either.

My father was convicted of being a Death Eater, and Umbridge was lead prosecutor at his trial. She’d told me how he was scum, and how his scummy-ness was passed on to me. She also mocked my mother’s death, saying how much she had hated the Ministry and got herself killed in an attempt to rebel against the Ministry. But I have lived with Dolores long enough to understand that she tended to exaggerate. And I’ve lived with her long enough to understand that I tend not to believe her.

But anyway-I don’t like to dwell on my childhood much. It’s a bit depressing.

You’re all caught up- we’re in the present now. I’m eleven years old. After making Dolores her pot of tea with a splash of pink food coloring in it, she put me back inside my very small room. Once I had gotten my morning slap on the cheek, the doorknob had closed, the small klink of the key locking me in, and her thundering footsteps setting off into the hallway was when I relaxed my shoulders and tried to regain a normal breathing pattern.

As I sat in my room drinking in the silence, I amused myself with my bedcovers. They were a light pink (no surprise there) and very soft. It was the only quality thing Umbridge let me go within 5 feet of, and I was not going to let her take it away from me because it really was my only source of entertainment.

Occasionally sighing, the hours passed by slowly. I eventually fell asleep, but was awakened by Umbridge and her demon hand, encrusted with rings as it struck my face. I clutched my cheek in pain, but she cackled and locked me in again. I had no idea what to do. I consider running away a lot, but I suppose I just don’t have the nerve. I know if I tried Umbridge would find me and torture me even more than she does now. It’s not worth it.

Hours passed by. I enjoyed the silence of my own solitude, but suddenly I heard a sharp pecking on my window. Curious, I made my way over to my window. I looked out. I could see the things I normally saw-a view of a dark alley and a brick wall that was another building. I’d never met any of our  neighbors before, so I couldn’t say if it was normal for them to let an owl peck on my window. The owl had quite a knowing look on his face, as if he were nearly smarter than I was. His eyes studied me for a moment, then they roamed to his left foot, where a small package was tied to it. I decided to let the owl in. I’d seen Umbridge take letters from an owl before, so I suppose you could say I learned by watching. Ever so carefully, I untied the parcel from the scaly leg of the gray owl.

I gasped. It was actually addressed to me. Scrambling with excitement, I opened the package. Enclosed was 3 letters and a very small box.

I opened the box first. There sat a locket,  with a large “S” on it. It appeared to be very old, because the glass was fogged up and when I opened the necklace, it made a creaking sound that really gave the age away. The locket hid a note, and it said: “To the Dark Lord-I know I will be long dead before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match you will become mortal once more. –R.A.B”

Not really knowing what this meant, I took the locket’s long chain and clasped it around my neck.

Now, fumbling over one of the letters, I noticed on the back was a greatly detailed scarlet seal. I ripped it off after admiring its beauty.

The letter went on to explain a magical place called Hogwarts, in which I was supposed to go and learn magic. It sounded absolutely wonderful. I read it over and over again, my smile growing larger and larger with each reread.

I decided to read that one again later and open the second letter. It was addressed from the same place, Hogwarts. It was a list of all the school things required for first year. Wands, books, robes, quills, cauldrons…… it was overwhelmingly exciting.

I was ecstatic that I had been accepted. I’d make friends, I’ll experience wonderful teachers, live in a nice dormitory-and it occurred to me just then that Dolores probably wouldn’t let me attend. My heart fell two stories down.

I can’t believe I let my hopes get so high. I was being so childish, so-immature, that I thought things might go the way I wanted them to. I took the Hogwarts letters and stuffed them under my bed, intending to burn them later.

            Sighing, I opened the last letter. It wasn’t from Hogwarts. At least I could get my mind off it, anyway.

            Strangely enough, it had no return address. I read the following in awe:

            Dear Julianna-

I’d like to apologize in advance for your given circumstances. I’ve made so many mistakes; so many unsaid words, so many unpronounced feelings; I hope you’ll forgive me.

The words you are reading right now are coming from the hand of your father. I’m not ashamed to admit I was a Death Eater. I performed bad magic for the good of an evil man. His name was Voldemort, and if you ever run across him, dear, kill him.  He is a bad, bad man.

But eventually, I found Voldemort’s secret. You’ll find this out someday.

I’d also like to explain about  your mother. She was a very talented witch, she was. Her name was Amortennia Harcourt. She was a natural at potions. Your mother had this way of telling your emotions within seconds. It was almost like those piercing violet eyes of hers saw right into your soul.

I paused here. My violet eyes always turned heads, just like my mother, apparently.

But when you turn 11, you will receive a letter from a place called Hogwarts. Where ever you are, make sure you find a way to Diagon Alley to get your things go to that school. It’s going to be the best thing for you, make sure you get there sweet heart.

I don’t have much time left to explain too much more. They’re looking for me, and eventually they’ll come for you. My advice is-go to Hogwarts and learn to defend yourself. It’s the best thing you can do. Make your mother and I proud.



I sat there, stunned.

I had no idea what to do, say, or scream. I had no inkling if I should be happy, sad, or angry that my parents left me with a witch like Umbridge (no pun intended). I sat there, like an idiot.

After staring at the letter for what seemed a lifetime, I decided it was go time. I walked calmly to the door, took a deep breath, and kicked it with so much force that it fell down. In your face, Umbridge. Doors won’t hold me.

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