Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I can’t explain in words how thankful I was to be traveling to Hogwarts with a wizarding family.

I would have forgotten my wand (twice, actually) if Mrs. Weasley hadn’t reminded me. I’m still getting used to having a stick in my pocket. Secondly, I would have not even reached the Hogwarts Express without Fred and George, because they helpfully explained that I would have to run through a wall. How lovely. And thirdly, I would have been completely to the fact that I was going to wear a fashion disaster hat in front of over 1,00 students to get sorted if Percy hadn’t informed me of this helpful tidbit.

On the train, I sat with Fred and George. They introduced to me to their friend Lee Jordan. He seemed quite nice and very clever, but I must admit that it was slightly off-putting that his eyes wouldn’t leave the safety of my own gaze. Amidst our rapid conversation debating something called a Fillibuster Firework, Percy burst into our compartment. He puffed out his chest, highlighting the prefect badge that gleamed under the crest of his robes.

“Just coming to check on Julianna. You know mum left me in charge of seeing you got settled in alright?” he said breathlessly.

“Oh, um… Thanks Perce, glad to know you’re, um… looking out for me,” I replied, suppressing giggles. “I’m fine, by the w-way!” I said, letting the laughs come out. He looked at me strangely, but regained his usual pompous composure and left the compartment with a nod and stance of superiority. Fred, George, Lee and I burst out laughing.

“Did you—did you see his f-face?” George breathed, wiping away a tear of laughter.

“George, Fred, I truly am sorry,” I said, suddenly dropping my joyful attitude for a serious one.

“For what?” they said unison, their heads cocking to opposite sides and an eyebrow each raising to create a wrinkle in their foreheads.

“That Percy is your brother,” I responded seriously. The twins burst into uncontrollable laughter once more, joined by Lee and I. Finally. I had my first real friends.


“Firs’ years! Firs’ years, over here, please!” a gruff voice called as I stepped off the train with Lee and the twins.

“I think that’s my cue,” I said.

“It is indeed,” George inputted.

“Hope to see you in Gryffindor!” Lee shouted as I walked away.

“WHAT IS THAT?” I yelled back at them.


“TELL ME LATER!” I yelled back at the group with a smile. Now really was not the time for a full-blown explanation, and students were beginning to stare. Following the sound of the deep voice, I reached a small dock housing several small boats. Little crowds of other first years stood sparsely around the area, shivering in the cold. In the middle of all the new students hovered an enormous man who was herding the first years over. He held an oil lamp in his left hand that was as big as my own foot and carried a pink umbrella in the other.

Eventually no more students arrived at the dock; and the giant motioned us all close to him. A few students hesitated, but gave in after they noticed all the others stepping closer to the man.

“Alrigh’, welcome ta’ Hogwarts, everyone,” the man smiled, his eyes crinkling slightly. “I’d be Hagrid, the Keeper o’ Keys. We’ll be takin’ the boats, so you’ll get a good view o’ the castle befor’ ya go inside. Three ta a boat, now,” he explained.

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