Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

            “Aren’t you guys tired? All that was so stressful,” I said, sitting down on the open bed which was obviously mine.

            “Not really,” Hazel said dismissively.

            “We should introduce her to the other people!” Jayce exclaimed. “Okay, this is Hermione,” pointing to a buck-teethed bushy haired girl. “Lavender—“ a very curly haired girl waved at me. “And Parvati,” she gestured to a tan-skinned black haired girl with a very, very long braid creeping down her back.

            “Hi guys,” I said sheepishly, feeling very much like how I did in the Leaky Cauldron, when Mrs. Weasley introduced me to her children. It felt very much like an arranged playdate again. “Well, I’m going to bed. I’m pooped!”

            A series of waves and “Good nights” echoed around the circular dormitory. I quickly changed into my pajamas and pulled the red curtains around my bed. The girls seemed nice enough. They even lowered their voices so I could sleep. I hoped I’d at least make one friend that was of the same gender.

            As I finally settled into a deep sleep, I was plagued with a nightmare.

            For the first time, Grimmauld Place had lost its lonely, neglected air. Being with my parents banished that. I sat on the couch, cuddling with my mother. She stroked my hair, talking softly with dad. My eyes began to droop, and I surrendered myself to sleep…

            Suddenly, there was an explosive boom. Both my parents sprang up from their comfortable positions, their wands perched in their hands. Both were ready to attack.

            Umbridge strode in. “Having a good reunion, are we?” she cackled. She rose her wand, pointing it at my mother. A green shot out and—BOOM! My mother fell on the floor. Dad screamed in agony, but only before another green light shot out and—BOOM! He crumpled to the floor, next to my mother.

            I knew I was next. I plead, I begged, but only enough for her to point her wand straight at my chest. It’s better off this way. I’d be with mom and dad. Just make it quick—

            “Julianna! Are you alright?” Hermione shrilled. I opened my eyes and wiped the sweat off my forehead. I was on the floor, just like the corpses of my parents in my dream. How embarrassing.

            “Yeah…. Just a nightmare… ‘Night…” I collapsed back into my bed, a tear trickling down my cheek.



            I met Fred, George and Lee in the Great Hall for breakfast. Plopping down between Lee and George, I heaved an annoyed sigh.

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