Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

            I ran down the stairs like a maniac. I was screaming things like “YOO-HOO, DOLORES DUMBRIDGE!!!! COME AND GET ME!!!!!”

Yeah, this was my insane plan to get myself shipped off to a school because Umbridge would be so sick of me that I just had to be sent away. It was ruthless, it was malicious, it was…. Stupid.

As I ran down the stairs I was stomping on the cherry wood, banging on the walls, whistling and screaming, and the more ruckus I made, the more I started to question the longevity and success of the plan.

“WHAT IS GOING ON UP THERE YOU WRETCHED FREAK?! KEEP IT DOWN!!!!” I heard Dolores screech. I smiled.



I stopped banging and stomping. “Under one condition,” I smirked.

“Don’t you do that to me, you foul roach,” she growled.

“You haven’t even considered my condition.” Stupid alliterate brain of mine. Wait, did I just say alliterate? I’m such a loser.

“Fine, what’s your condition?” Umbridge snarled.

“Let me go to Hogwarts and I will not return for the summer. Buy my school things and I will not ask you for anything more. Bring me to the train station and I will not bother you again,” I said matter-of-factly.

There was a pause. She seemed to be pondering my proposal (more alliteration), as if she were trying to find something wrong with it. I stared absently at my feet, twiddling my thumbs.

I think she found a flaw in my evil plan.

“Are you….. bribing me? Is this only the first phase in your plan to become like your father, a Death Eater, as he was the one who made you scum?” Umbridge was losing her temper now. Her broad face seemed to widen with every word, getting pinker and pinker to match her hot pink wool dress. Her large nostrils flared, her eyes squinted with concentration on her words, determined to make sure happiness would not exist for me.

Awestruck and confused, I stood there. Seeing Umbridge seething mad like this gave me pleasure, it was the only bliss-like feeling I had ever experienced. But I was also unexplainably confused. How did she deduce that I was plotting to become a Death Eater? Does she really see me as a merciless crony of that Voldemort fellow? I was hurt, that she would accuse me of being something so horrible, so cruel.

“I can’t believe you. I just can’t. Since when have I shown any signs of being evil? Yeah, I might be a handful sometimes, but it’s because you’ve raised me that way. In making me your personal “servant”, you’ve only hurt yourself. I’m going to get to Hogwarts all by myself. I don’t need you,” I walked toward her slowly for effect. Her face drained of all the color she had gained from her rant, and her lips pursed and her eyes darted around, looking for a weapon to use. But there was none.

 I closed my eyes and I felt myself being pulled, like a puppet being controlled by string. Her house spun around in circles, my head was rotating quickly, I felt myself getting closer and closer to the floor with each millisecond, and-

The spinning stopped, and I sensed cool tile floor break my fall. Or it broke me.


“How was she able to do that? She’s underage, not even a first year!” a woman said shrilly.

“I don’t know, Molly, but she seems to be very advanced for her age,” a man’s voice said. He sounded old. I don’t know how I could tell, but the tone of his voice made him sound wise, sage-like, even.

“Of course she’s advanced, I was able to figure that out, but she’s in great danger! Dolores is now convinced that she’s plotting to be a Death Eater! It’ll be all over the Prophet!” shrieked the woman again.

“Calm down, Molly. She’ll be fine. We’ll take good care of her.”

This was all Molly could take. Losing her temper, she half-screamed, “Oh, for goodness’ sakes, Albus, you can’t say that about everything!!”

“Quiet, I think you’ve woken her,” the man whispered.

I supposed now would be a good time to pretend to have just woken up and had heard nothing.

“What happened?” I asked in mock-grogginess. “Who are you?”

The two other residents of the room I was in gave each other looks of concern. The woman, stout, plump, and very homey looking used her weathered hands to give the man a ‘go along’ gesture.

I was correct in my presumption earlier: this man was indeed very old. His pale skin was very close to the shade of blinding alabaster of his lengthy beard; his half-moon glasses attempted to hide his sparkling blue eyes. “I am Professor Dumbledore, and this is Molly Weasley. We’ve come to bring you to Hogwarts. I presume you received your letter?” he said calmly.

I nodded, trying to hold in my excitement. I was going to Hogwarts! “But what happened to Umbridge? I was just there, and then everything started spinning, and-“

“You apparated at will. That’s usually something you learn in your sixth year, but I suppose you’ll have a bit of a head start!” Dumbledore chuckled.

“But what happened to Umbridge?” I asked again.

“That’s something you’ll learn another time,” Dumbledore stated.

“I want to know what happened to Umbridge,” I proclaimed.

Dumbledore sighed. “She is convinced that you are a Death Eater and she is planning to send the Ministry of Magic after you so they can put you into Azkaban.”

Since Dolores worked at the Ministry, she often came home after a long day, sit down in her fluffy pink chaise, and holler for her pink tea. She’d often have people over at the house and I’d listen in. When I was 6, I found a vent in my room that was directly connected to the vent in the study, where she had all of her meetings. I recognized most of the words Dumbledore used enough to get the general idea of what she was trying to do.

“So… she is tracking me down so she can put me in the slammer under false pretenses?” I asked incredulously, wondering if I had interpreted Dumbledore correctly. This time, Mrs. Weasley stepped in to answer my question.

“That’s what we think is going to happen, and well, if it does, you are in grave danger.”

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