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Okay, yes, yes Ik!! I do a lot of Ray😭 But he's my favorite character and really the only one I can come up with ideas for. I have a few for Vice as well, so those will be coming soon, but could y'all plz leave some requests in the comments? My brains going brrrrrrr.


It was a cold December day. The wind came from the North and everytime a slight breeze came threw the door of the warm café, a peice of winter was brought with it. The place was alive with Christmas decorations and snowflakes fallig from the light gray sky.

I handed a warm drink to another costumer with a smile. The lady, early or late twenties, flushed and thanked me, before walking back to her table to chitchat with her friends. "Hi, how can I help you-" I stopped mid scentence as I saw my best friend, Ray standing there, in his dark black and soft black suit, and his skinny black jeans. His blonde hair slicked to the side, as always.

"Hey Ray, what can I get you?" He smiled. "Hey M/n. Just the usual." I nodded.

I quickly made his drink for him as well as got him his usual breakfast sandwich. I smiled handing him his order. He payed his normal amount and stood in line longer, as he was the only one currently ordering anything. "Did your cousin leave yet?" I cocked a brow. "Cous-" my eyes widened. "OH! Uhh, no, he's gonna be staying for awhile, which I don't mind, he's good company - but you know how hard family matters are." Ray eyed me.but nodded anyways. "What time you get off?" "Uhh, eight today I'm pretty sure." Ray's eyes widened slightly. "Eight?! Wouldn't that out your classes -" "into the late night? Yeah, but luckily, our college is open 24/7 so I don't have to worry about it or anything." "Maybe not, but M/n, don't you feel like you're being over worked!" I was confused. "Not really, I mean, I've worked later with night classes, so it doesn't really bother me." He sighed, bitting his straw as we spoke. That's when I noticed his nails.

Ray usually kept his nails in a claw-like sharpness. Less then half of his natural forms. They were usually nice and clean, filed and perfect I guess. So seeing them all chilled chewed and bitten flipped my stomach a bit. I grabbed his hands in mine. Well, the one that wasn't holding his cup.

"Ray-ray... what's been bothering you?" I had stopped calling him Ray-ray when we reached highschool, though he never cared when I slipped up on accident, infact, he loved it.

Ray sighed.

"Can you...can you come over tonight? Just skip your classes?" I thought about it. I'd skipped plenty of times and the teachers are pretty chill about it so, why the hell not? Besides, my best friend needs me more. "Of course. What time?" "As soon as you can," he pleased, his eyes looking glassy, and it then hit me.

He didn't come to ask about my strange cousin, nor just regularly chat with me like usual. He didn't come to hang with any chicks either.

He came because he needed my comfort.

I looked around and realized happy and rush hour was over. I looked over at Ray who was still looking at me, sipping his drink. I smiled softly, running my thumb over his knuckles.

"Hey Savannah, can you cover my shift I have to do something really important!"

"No prob, consider it pay back for me sneaking off on that date last week and you covering my shift for me." I nodded, took off my apron in that staff room, and clocked out.

I met up with Ray outside. He lead me to his car and the second we were in he was hugging me. I smiled softly, seeing him look like a kid who was just separated from his mother. "Ray you'll spill your drink..." He set it down in the console. He pulled me closer but the console was in the way, causing him to wine in frustration. My gaze softened.

I jumped into the back of his car and patted next to me. Ray got the message and jumped in the back too.

I was immediately tackled into a hug. I kicked my shoes off as I rapped my arms around his head as he laid in me, burring his face into my shoulder. "Ray-ray...I can't help if I don't know what's wrong." Suddenly, Ray sniffed. "I-i just..." I rubbed his back, higging him tighter just as he did me. "He's not your cousin, is he.." I froze but sighed. Sorry, Vice.

"No...you remember the guys who we found hurt?" Ray nodded without looking at me. "Well, he's a.. he's a halfblood, his parants were killed and-" I explained everything I knew to him, up to the part of now, where I said I wanted to help him in his mission. Ray suddenly looked up at me with frantic eyes, tears never stopped flowing, my shirt was probably soaked..not that I cared.

"You won't leave me, will you? Y/n please, you can't leave me, i-i don't know w-wha-what I would do w-wirhiut, without you a-and-" I stopped him, pressing a fingr to his lips, causing him to stare at me through glassy eyes. I smiled, hugging him as tight as I could and playing with his hair. "Ray, I would rather kill myself then leave you. You're my best friend and.." he started sobbing, clining to me like his life depended on it. I pulled back. "hey, hey what's wrong? Did I say something wrong?!" I asked panicked. He shook his head frantically. "No-no... it's just..Y/n, I'm going to tell you this, but you have to promise to not freak out, okay?" I stared at him before nodding nervously. Did he commit a murder?

"I don't like you as a best friend...I...I like you as more then that. I like you Y/n...like-like you.."

I froze and stared at him. He started to cry again. "I'm sor-"




I pulled back from the kiss with a tender smile. "What for?" He smiled and cried harder. "I- I lov-" he hiccuped, crying into my shoulder. I pushed his head back and kissed him again, and again, and again, as gentle and loving as possible. "Baby, I know. I love you too. And no, I will never leave you." Ray nodded hurriedly. I smiled and kissed him again, which he happily excepted.


Ray and I were cuddling at Ray's apartment. "Babe, I'm tired," Ray said quietly. I nodded and turned his TV off, railing my arms around him and repeatedly kissing him. "I love you," I repeated after every kiss, earning a chuckle out of him. He nuzzled into my neck and I happily let him.

"So, all of that stress over little old me?" "More of the fact that you might've been with someone else and I never even had a chance to hint at the feelings I've he'd since fifth."

I smirked.

"I've had them since third."

"Stop being a show off."

"You love it." Ray smiled, kissing my lips. "Yes, yes I do "

And with that, we hugged each other tighter and fell asleep in each ithers embrace.

I'm sorry it took so long. This is kinda soft/bottom Ray, but  seriously need requests guys, I'm legit outta ideas-

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