Ray part 2😭🥺🛐

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Y/s= Your sexuality.

Y'all gonna hate me for these upcomig chapters of this oneshot..
Love y'all tho!!

I woke up feeling groggy and depressed, sleep crusty in my eyes, both boys still had their arms and legs rapped around me like they had so many times before. I turned over in bed with a sigh and rapped my arms around Harold. I started falling back asleep, laying on his bear chest. Soft, smooth and warm skin behind and I front of me it was hard to not be lulled back to sleep.

Except for the pounding on my door.

I groaned quietly, surprised that the other two haven't woken up yet.

I slipped out of bed, which was really hard and was almost like a jigsaw puzzle sleeping with two werewolves. Well, werewolf and halfblood.

I rubbed my eyes and walked down the hall. "Coming!" I shouted, when I was in the kitchen. I opened my fridge and took out a blood bag. I broke the seal and slowly started sipping on the dark red liquid, then opening the door.

"What's u.....p.."

"Urmm, hey Ray.."

The vampire leaned on the doorframe and glared at me. I sighed. "Okay what?" I would start ignoring him after we were finished with our annual "you left when I told you to wait" fight.

"You left." He said through clenched teeth. I rolled my eyes. "Way to state the obvious Sherlock," I said, trying sr add a bit of humor to this banter. "Why do you always leave?!" He growled. "Are you embarrassed to be seen with me," he snapped. I started getting angry this time too. "I don't know, why are you always ditching me?!" He laughed bitterly. "Funny, I thought you were the one doing the ditching." I rolled my eyes. "PLEASE," I groaned out, surprising both of us, though I did my best not to let it show. "I hardly call you taking hours upon hours after your game to come get me "not ditching me!"" I said. "I've been leaving because I'm not gonna wait hours to get home when I have something important to do."

Ray looked at me like I had slapped his mother, and for a minute, I realized my mistake.

I sighed, rubbing my eyes. "It's... it's not that I don't enjoy going to your games and watching you play," I said more softly. "I think I just..." He was waiting patiently and I mentally kicked myself for being so selfish. But I needed to get my head in the game. "Look. I enjoy watching you play. I really do Ray. You're the best player in the team, soon to be center, and going to your games every two weeks is the highlight of those two weeks." I smiled, and he slightly did the same thing.

"But...I..." Just spit it out.

"I got myself involved in something and I can't wait hours upon hours for you to get done talking to fans and friends when that something pops up or..." I shivered slightly at the thought of Zack and his damned attacks.

"It's just not pretty."

Suddenly Ray was lookih at me as if I were crazy. "Y/n I'm praying to God and begging you to tell me you didn't join a damn gang or fucking Mafia." I jumped back with a start. "What? Gods no!" "Are you in danger of one or both?" He asked mkre frantically. Don't do this to me Ray. Don't act like it would matter if I dissapeared.

"Urmm.." did Zack and his servents really counts as a gang or Mafia? In my opinion most of them were close enough. "Kinda?"

Ray clenched his fists but I was just glad I got him off the topic of the game. "I'm sorry Ray I can't talk about it."

Suddenly Vice's called from inside. "Y/n, you okay?" I froze and so did Ray. Oh gods.

So erm..I might have never told Ray I was y/s.

"Who's that," he asked, his red eyes growing a fire in them. "No one!" I said a little too quickly.  "Y/n who the hell is that?" He asked, nearly containing his anger.

I started to get a little uneasy. He couldn't know about Vice, that's how we had all planned it. "I think it's time you leave Ray. You have morning practice."

"I'm not leaving until you tell me who the fuck is in that goddamn house."

I stared at my best friend and long-time crush. I couldn't help but let the negative thoughts flow into my head again. "Leave Ray. Now." I said softly. "Y/n, are you okay?" Vice called, knowing who I was talking to now. Ray looked about ready to beat the shit out of Vice from just hearing his voice. "Umm..yeah I'm fine...a friend was just leaving."

Ray looked hurt and I couldn't stand to see it anymore so I slammed the door, locked it, and slid down the door into a ball.

"Y/n.." Vice called softly, cradling me. "Why does he have to make this harder then it already is V?"

"Why does he make it so damn hard to stop loving him?" I sobbed.

I was an emotional reck. I know I was. And half of this wouldn't make sense to anyone who was trained to understand these sorts of feelings. I cried harder.

But what sent me into a panic was hearing Ray on the other side of the door.

"Y/n if you don't open this door in the next thirty seconds I'm breaking it down."

I froze. And that's when the panic started to set in.

YOOOOOO!!! Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter...tell me what you think so far or if you have any requests!! Love y'all!!

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