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Apologizes if I misspelled his name, I tried my best.

It was an early winter morning when you decided to go grocery shopping. The sooner you went, the sooner you got back and the sooner you could cuddle up with a fluffy blanket and your favorite hot beverage. As you walked along the snow-covered sidewalk, you couldn't help but notice a slight absence of people walking the streets. It was two weeks from Christmas and the streets were usually packed to the brim with families or friends picking out gifts for their loved ones. You, however, had other plans. Having done all your gift shopping in advance you were free up until Christmas Eve, which you would be spending with you little brother. He was around five and was flying all the way from c/n to see you, which meant you only had one goal in mind this store trip: Stock up on snacks. Which, seeing as you were a bit of a foodie, wouldn't be hard.

Entering the store, you grabbed a basket and began looking through the aisles to see what they had in stock that your brother and you would both enjoy. You got a few of your favorite snacks, and some that you knew he fancied as well, before putting them all in your basket. Before leaving the glory hall of snacks, you scanned the shelf one last time, not paying attention to your surrounds, when you accidently bumped into someone. Surprised at the impact, you quickly regained your senses from the start the contact gave you. "Oh, my Gods I am so sorry sir," you hurried to apologize to the man who was picking up a few of his dropped items. Bending down, you helped pick up the things he had dropped and handed them to him. While handing him his things, you noted that he had shiny black hair that was elegantly slicked to the side, matched with sharp and alluring features of pale skin and sharp icy blue eyes. He smiled at your apology. "it's quite okay, things happen, it's no big deal. Are you okay," he asked, placing his things back into his own basket. "Yeah, I'm fine, are you okay," you asked, brows furrowed in worry that you had somehow hurt this kind- and oddly handsome stranger. He assured you he was fine with a smile, and that's when you noticed the canines. Ignoring the finding, you smiled at the man and bid him a good day with one last apology and began to walk away.

Only, before you could leave the aisle, a hand grabbed your wrist. Turning, you saw the black-haired male slightly flushed. "I'm sorry to keep you, but I was wondering if I could get your number," he asked, his eyes drifted to the side as a slight pink lightly dusted his cheeks. Smiling, you pulled out your phone and handed it to him. "You're cute, go ahead and put your number in," you smiled. "What's your name," you asked as he put his number in your phone. "Dufaux, and yours?" "Y/n," Dufaux smiled, handing you back your phone. "You have a beautiful name," he softly complimented. Flushing slightly, you responded with a shy smile and a quiet 'thank you,' before you both parted ways.

A week later, you were humming as you did house chores. Dufaux and you have been talking regularly, and actually began to get to know each other pretty well. Upon acknowledging the mutual attraction, he asked you out on a date. Not anything fancy, he promised, as he learned you didn't like to go overkill. Instead of going anywhere fancy, he asked you out for breakfast. The date was in two hours at eight and you had just finished cleaning when you began to get ready. Picking out a causal turtleneck and some dark jeans with a dark navy-blue trench coat, finished off with your favorite pair of shoes.

Before you could check the time, your doorbell rang. Walking towards the door, you pulled it open and smiled in pleasant surprise as your date stood at the door, holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers for you. "You didn't have too," you assured him, taking the bright bundle into your hands as you invited him inside. "I know," he smiled. "But it's the least you deserve." Blushing, you found a vase to put the flowers in. "You're too kind to me," you blushed.

Dufaux playfully scoffed. "Shush now, little one. Are you ready?" Nodding, I grabbed my mini black backpack and walked out to his car with him. Surprisingly, he reached for my handle and opened the door for me. "A prince doesn't open his own door," he said, a sly smirk playing at his lips. Blushing, I sat inside of the car and buckled up. Dufaux got in and began driving to town, where he pulled into a cute and cozy looking cafe. Dufaux told me to wait before getting out of the car, shutting his door, jogging over to my side and opening the door for me once again. He offered me his hand and smirked as he pressed a kiss to the back of it. "Lead the way," I smiled at him.

Leading us into the cafe, we were seated at a table for two. He pulled out my chair for me and pushed me in once I had sat down before sitting across from me. "You're such a gentleman," I blushed. Dufaux shook his head. "I'm simply treating you how you deserve to be treated." My face flushed at that, and my date flashed a toothy grin. Soon, our waiter came over and we gave her our orders. Our date ended up going very well. We got to know each other even better than before, and he had even, and rather embarrassingly, admitted that he was a werewolf. I smiled and shrugged. "What does it matter? You've shown me more kindness and manners then most vampires and humans alike have. I don't have a problem with werewolves, especially not one as cute as you," I told him. His eyes went wide for a second before he managed to school his features back to his normally stoic, polite look. "I'm pleased you think that, and that I've made such an impression on you," he admitted, a smile blooming on his features. After a few more minutes of talking and laughing, we drove me home.

He walked me to my door and gave me a hug. "Thank you for today, I had a really fun time," I smiled. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," he smiled. Suddenly, he averted his eyes and asked shyly. "Can I kiss your cheek?" I nodded. His lips met my cheek, and I hugged him again. "I know we just had our first date but is it too early for me to ask to see you again," I asked, slightly flushed. Dufaux smiled as he pulled away. "Never. whenever you want me, call me," he smiled, pressing a kiss to my forehead. He made sure I locked my door before he left.

It's been a week since our first date, and sense then, we've been talking and going on more dates, and two days ago, he asked me to be his boyfriend and I agreed happily. Now I'm proud to say that Dufaux and I are dating. In a few days is Christmas Eve, and my brother was flying in tomorrow, meaning today I was fully decorating my house. I had been putting it off for far too long, so I decided to finally get started. However, Dufaux had called earlier and once I had told him my plans, he insisted he come over to help me. "It's just a few heavy boxes, wolfie, I can handle it," I told him on the phone. "No. Nope. Absolutely not. No prince of mine does heavy lifting," he argued. "But wolfie-" "No buts, I'll be there in ten minutes. If I find out you lift anything- and I mean anything, I will tickle you." I dramatically gasped. "You wouldn't." He chuckled, and even from over the phone, without being able to see him, I knew he had that sly but charming grin on his face. "Fine," I relented, making sure to put on a show of dramatic sighing. "See you in ten my love," he said. "See you soon wolfie," I smiled, ending the call.

Dufaux arrived in ten minutes, and he immediately began to help me set everything up. We were now working on the tree. Hanging up a silver ornament, he smiled at his work. "Why do you look like you're about to do something dangerous," he asked suddenly, snapping me out of my thinking bubble. "I'm trying to figure out how to get the angel on top of the tree," I told him. He smiled. "Why didn't you just say so love?" I didn't have time to ask what he meant before i was on his shoulders. Laughing, I put the angel on top of the tree, and he let me down, kissing my cheek. "Okay, that looks good, do you think we're done," I asked, scratching the back of my head as I thought about what else I could add, but coming up empty handed. "Look up," Dufaux said. Smiling in curiosity, I looked up and my face flushed. There, above out heads, Dufaux was holding mistletoe. Looking into his ice blue eyes, we both leaned in until our lips touched in a soft embrace. In a second, Dufaux had his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me in closer and deepening the sweet kiss.

His lips were intoxicating. They were soft in their movements and deliquiate in their passion, but they were slightly rough, and, if I paid enough attention, a little desperate. Moving my lips alone with his, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him against me. When we had to pull away, he smiled down at me, adoration in his sparkling arises. "You're so perfect for me it's crazy," he whispered, pushing some hair away from my eyes. "As you are for me," I whispered back, smiling lightly at him. 'Y/n," he called softly as we swayed in front of the Christmas tree. "Yes?" "Thank you for accepting me as I am. I love you," he confessed, hugging me tighter. "I love you too," I replied quickly. I didn't need to think about it, I knew from the moment I realized how happy he made me. He kissed me again.

"I love you. So, so much. You're amazing and I'm lucky to have you, my love."

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