Ch.1 Meeting.

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[3rd Person]

Ash Got Stabbed And He Sat In The Library Then Took a Nap,2hrs Later He Woke Up And Looked Around,He Was In The Hospital With Max Sitting Beside His Bed,Max Looked At Him Shocked “ASH! YOU'RE ALIVE!” Shouted Max. Ash Spoke “Agh,My Head Hurts.” He Replied Bluntly,The Door Slowly Opened Then a Japanese Boy Peeked In “Eiji?!” Ash Spoke Startled,“Oh Me? No Im Not Eiji.” Yuuri Spoke,Nervously Giggling While Putting On His Blue Glasses,

“Wha-..” Ash Got Confused Then The Other Japanese Boy Peeked In “Who's This One Now,” Ash Said In a Monotone Voice “ASHEU!” Eiji Shouted Running In The Room To Ashes-(Joke) Bed,Ash Got Startled And Recognized On The Way The Japanese Said His Name,He Started To Tear Up And Hugged Eiji,Eiji Hugged Back,Gently Smiling. Viktor & Ibe-San Then Appeared Behind Yuuri,“Aren't You Guys Supposed To Be In Japan..?” Ash Asked “Well Technically We're In Japan..-” Eiji Giggled,“What?!” Ash Looked Around Confused “That's Why My Good Friend Yuuri Is Here”
Eiji Said Pointing At The Japanese Boy With Blue Glasses,

Yuuri Quickly Waved At Ash Smiling With His Eyes Since Their All Wearing Masks. Eiji Soon Stroked Ash's Hair Kissing His Cheek “I Missed You,Badly.” Eiji Spoke,“Hate To Ruin The Moment But Me And Victor Need To Go Because We're Getting Called By Yurio,Cya Later Eiji!” Yuuri Said Walking Out Pulling The Tall Russian With Him,“Oh,Alright Bye!” Eiji Replied,Ash Pushed Eiji's Chin So They Face Eachother,He Pulled On The Other's Collar And Kissed Him,Eiji Got Startled As Max Watched Them Nervously, Ibe-San Then Walked To Max And Whispered “I Think We Should Give Them Some Time Together..Alone...”,“Yeah, Let's Get Out..-” Max Whispered Back. The Two Left The Room As Eiji Started To Rub Ash's Waist Making The Kiss More Passionate,Soon,Ash Was On Top Of Eiji,They Made Out “Welcome To The  Peaceful Japan Asheu.” Eiji Kissed Ash Softly,Ash Smiled And Kissed Back.

Yuuri Started The Car And Drove Back To Their House,He Kicked The Door Open “What's Wrong Yurio?!” Yuuri Looked At Otabek And Yuri,“Young Man! We Told You No Inviting Anyone Over Without Our Permission!” Yuuri Glared At Otabek “Your Dad's Right,You Shouldn't Invite Anyone Without Us Knowing, Especially Your Boyfriend Because We Can't See What He Does To You.” Victor Spoke,“Hey! You Guys Aren't My Parents And Otabek Is Not My Boyfriend!” Yuri Looked At The Two Men Scolding Him,Soon Growling “Yura,Calm Down.” Otabek Said Calming The Angry Tiger Down,“What Happened To You? Why Do You Have a Gash On Your Wrist? Are You Cutting Yourself?” Yuuri Walked Closer Concerned “No! Of Course Not Why Would I Cut? I Like My Life The Way It Is. I Was Just Trying To Cook Myself Food Then The Knife Hit My Wrist,I Didn't Know How To Clean Or Bandage Up The Gash So I Called Beka Over.” Yuri Explained,As Otabek Nodded Looking At Yuuri Agreeing With His Injured Boyfriend.

Soon Viktor And Yuuri Helped With Yuri's Wound,“There,All Done.” Yuuri Let Go Of Yuri's Hand,“You Can Go Now Mister.” Victor Looked At Otabek “No! He Can Eat Dinner Here” Yuri Looked At Viktor Pouting,“Yura,Maybe I Should Go Because Your Parents Would Be Mad.” Otabek Pointed At The Two Men Looking Viciously At Him “Noo! You Can Sleepover If You Want!!” Yuri Was Upset “Absolutely Not Yurio! He Might Do Something To You.” Yuuri Shook His Head Madly,“Please Dad..” Yuri Looked At The Japanese Giving Him Puppy Eyes While Pouting Upsetly.

“Fine..” Yuuri Glared At Otabek Once Again “But You Two Better Not Make Any Noise Or Do Adult Things In Yurio's Room.” Viktor Remarked,“Yes Please Don't Worry,I Won't Do Anything Bad To Yuri.” Otabek Replied,Yuri Then Clung On Otabek's Arm Growling At The Two Men Infront Of Them,Yuuri Went To The Kitchen And Started To Cook Dinner,Victor Sat Down Beside Yuri And Otabek Changing The Tv Channel.

[Time Skip]
“Dinner Is Ready! Everyone In The Kitchen!” Yuuri Shouted,Viktor Let Yuri And Otabek Go First,He Was Observing Them Closely, Yuuri's Phone Suddenly Rang And He Answered It “Yuuri Here, What's Up Eiji?” He Spoke, Victor's Head Lifted Up Looking At Yuuri ”Wanna Meet Up? Ash Got Discharged From The Hospital.” Eiji Replied “Sure! Can I Bring The Others?” Asked Yuuri “Ofcourse! The More The Merrier! Let's Meet About..9:00pm?” Said Eiji “That's Fine,Cya Later!” Yuuri Spoke “Bye!” Eiji Hung Up.

Yuuri Placed The Phone Down And Sat Beside Victor “What Was That About?” Viktor And Yuri Synched,“It Was Eiji,” Yuuri Got Cut Off  “We Know” They Synced Again,“He Said To Meet Up Later Since Ash Got Discharged From The Hospital.” He Explained. “Oh,Alright.” Yuri Looked At Yuuri As Victor Nodded.

[After Dinner]
They Got Dressed Up And Walked Out Of The House “Maybe This Is Going To Be a Triple Date.” Said Yuuri As He Got In The Passenger Seat “Maybe.” Victor Sat In The Driver's Then The Two Got In The Backseats,They Drove To The Park Their Meeting In. The Four Got There And Met Up With The Other Two,“Hey Yuuri!” Eiji Greeted And Hugged The Other Japanese “Hey Eiji!” Yuuri Patted The Other's Back “Ok, That's Enough.” Ash Spoke With His Hand Behind His Back Holding a Revolver Eiji Looked Behind Him “Asheu,I Told You That You Don't Have To Bring a Gun Anywhere.” Said Eiji “Were You Trying To Kill Us?” Yuri Looked At Ash Viciously,“I Would If You Lay a Finger On Eiji.” Ash Stated “Then Kill This Pork Cutlet Bowl! He Hugged Him!” Yuri Grabbed The Japanese With Blue Glasses “Well He's Eiji's Friend,So I Won't Be That Overprotective.” Ash Remarked “Okay Everyone Calm Down,How About We Go Get Some Snacks Or Ride The Ferris Wheel?” Yuuri Asked Them As They Walked To a Carnival In The Park.









[1000+ Words]

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