Ch.4 Triple Date : Rides.

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[<3Just Our 3 Ships Enjoying Their Time With Eachother<3]

[Ash's POV]

We Were All Walking To The Carnival,Soon We Got There “Where Shall We Go First? Ferris Wheel, Roller Skating,Or  Bumper Cars?” Yuuri & Eiji Asked,I Saw Alot Of People Bumping Into Eiji,Then I Pulled Him Closer To Me Holding Him Close,“Eh? Asheu?” Eiji Looked Confused Giving a Slight Blush “I Think We Should Go To The Bumper Cars First,Next The Roller Skating,Last The Ferris Wheel So It'd Be Memorable For Our First Meeting.” I Suggested “Huh, Alright,Does Everyone Agree With Ash?” Yuuri Asked,I Held Eiji Closer & Tighter,I Dropped My Head On His Shoulder Nuzzling Him Softly.

“Mhm.” Everyone Answered,“Okay, Let's Go Spend Our Time!” Yuuri Smiled,We All Walked To The Rink Of Bumper Cars,As Eiji Held My Hand On The Way I Gave a Soft Smile Blushing a Bright Translucent Pink,God I Loved Eiji So Much,Viktor And Yuuri Are So Lucky That Their Getting Married Already,I Wish Me And Eiji Could  Get Married Next Month,Too.

Me And Eiji Got In a Car As The Others Followed With,We Started It And Bumped With The Other Cars,Soon We Crashed Into Yuri And Otabek “Hey!” Yuri Shouted At Us,Me And Eiji Just Giggled Laughing At Yuri's Expression,Soon We Drove Away As They Followed Us Behind To Get a Sweet Revenge “You Guys Are Too Slow~” Victor & Yuuri Circled Us,I Drove Out Of The Circle Yuuri Was Forming Then We Crashed Into Them,I Smiled And Laughed At The Other Four,Eiji Laughed With Me As He Leaned On My Chest Giggling,I Held Him Close Laughing With Him,I Was Enjoying Being With Him,Until The Coach Timed Us Out.
We All Got Out Of The Cars Then Eiji Held My Hand Again,He Gave a Soft Smile Brighter Than The Blue Sky. I Want To Kiss Him So Bad,He Looked Very Adorable, He's Just Perfect, Everything About Him Is Perfect. I Love Him.

[Yuri's POV]

Agh,I Still Haven't Got Revenge On Ash And Eiji,I Wanna Punch Ash So Bad! I Growled “Woah Woah,Yura Are You Still Mad About Ash?” Otabek Asked Me “If It Wasn't Obvious Yes.” I Pouted Angrily Otabek Kissed My Forehead Holding Me Close And Closer,He Kept Smothering Me With Kisses Until I Soon Calmed Down,Wow,My Anger Suddenly Went Away..“Are You Calming Down Now?” Beka Used His Unusual Soft & Gentle Voice..I Inhaled & Exhaled,I Was Very Relaxed.

Soon While We We're Waiting In Line For Roller Skating,Beka Pulled Out Some Earphones Then Pushed a Bud Through His Right Ear And The Other Bud Into My Left Ear,He Plugged It To His Phone And Played On Spotify “Hey Lover!” By Wabie,I Leaned On His Chest And Closed My Eyes,Beka Rubbed My Head And Closed His Eyes Aswell.

I Found Alot Of Comfort In Otabek, I'm Very Glad We Met. Even If I Was Rude To Him At First Glance, I Knew I Already Loved Him.

[Victor's POV]

We Were Next In Line For The Roller Skating,I Looked Around And Saw a Snack Bar,“Wait a Second Yuuri, I'll Be Right Back.” I Told My Husband,Soon I Ran To The Snack Bar And Bought Two Popsicles,One Mango Flavored,One Vanilla.
I Went Back To Yuuri And Gave Him The Mango One,“Here Yuuri!” I Smiled At Him. “Aw,Thanks Vitya,But I'd Like The Vanilla One Instead If You'd Agree.” Yuuri Pointed “Nope! I Decided That Let's Try Eachother's Favorite Flavors!” I Explained.

“Oh,Okay Hehe~” Yuuri Giggled Taking The Mango Popsicle From My Hand,I Crossed My Arm Into Yuuri's Then I Leaned My Head On His Shoulder Since I Weren't That Tall Between The Both Of Us,I Took a Bite Of My Popsicle And Tasted It,“Hm,This Tastes Great Yuuri!” I Exclaimed,“This Mango Flavor Is Great Too! I Like The Mix Of Sweet & Bitter.” Yuuri Smiled I Soon Tried To Hold Yuuri's Hand,His Hand Flinched Away “Your Hands Are Pretty Cold Viktor..” He Looked At Me.

“If My Hands Were Warmer..Would You Hold My Hand..?” I Was Saddened,“I Just Got Startled Vitya! I Don't Care If Your Hands Are Cold Or Not, I'm Just Concerned Because Cold Hands Are a Sign Of Illness, I'm Sorry If I Made You Upset..” Yuuri Apologized To Me With Actually Feelings.

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