Ch. 2 Triple Date.

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[3rd Person]

The Boys Were Assigned On Things To Do Group By Group,Yuri & Otabek Are On The Food,Victor & Yuuri Are On The Drinks,Ash & Eiji Are On The Ride Tickets & Dessert,Their Money Are All Mixed Up So Each Individual Contributed. They Planned To Meet At a Table Close To The Sea,With a Cherry Blossom Tree And Under Like a House-Tent With Lights All Around Reserved For Them,It Was Pretty Breezy Beside The Sea That's Why Everyone Agreed To Wear Warm Clothes.

Yuuri Looked At The List Of Drinks They Needed To Buy And Explained To Viktor,"We Can Get a Milkshake Just For Us Two So We Can Share?" Victor Suggested "Hm,Well Sure We'll Get Us Two a Large Milkshake,What Flavor Do You Want?" Yuuri Asked "Banana-Mango!" Viktor Exclaimed "Oh,I Was Hoping For Vanilla..-" Yuuri Looked At The List "We Can Do Vanilla..!" Victor Made a Slight Upset Face Yuuri Looked At The Russian "How About We Get a Mix?" Said Yuuri Trying To Cheer Viktor Up "Sure!" Victor's Face Lit Up Again Smiling Widely,Then He Hugged Yuuri.

"We'll Get a Regular Sweet Lemon Shake,Cookies & Creme Bubble Tea,Apple Iced Tea,Red Cranberry-Cherry Juice,And a Large Mixed Banana-Mango Vanilla Milkshake Please." Yuuri Ordered "You Guys May Be Alot Hm?" The Man Spoke While Making The Drinks "Hah..- Yeah We're a Group Of Six." Yuuri Chuckled Nervously.

Yuri Pulled Otabek's Hand "Lemme See The List!" He Pouted Angrily "Okay Okay Calm Down," Otabek Showed Him The List "What Do You Want To Eat?" Otabek Asked "Hm..Maybe a Ham Sandwich With a Side Of Fries?" Yuri Looked Up At Taller Boy "Huh,I Guess I'll Just Have a Chicken Alfredo." Spoke Otabek "Okaay Let's Go Order It Beka." Yuri Nudged Otabek's Arm,As The Other Grabbed Yuri's Chin And Softly Kissed Him,Then He Let Go "Let's Go Then Yura." Otabek Chuckled Yuri Blushed a Brightly Colored Pinky-Red "Bekaaa!!" He Squealed Banging On Otabek's Chest Multiple Times Like a Wall.

Otabek Slightly Laughed And Rubbed His Boyfriend's Head
"Let's Actually Go Now Yura." He Gave a Soft-Slight Smile As Yuri Pouted Angrily Still Blushing,"We'd Like To Order a Chicken Alfredo,a Ham Sandwich Sided With Fries,a Chicken Salad Sided With Mash Potatoes & Tofu,a Chicken Parmesan With Fries Flavored Barbecue-Cheese,Chicken Strips With Sour Cream,And Lasagna Sided With Spaghetti."
(A/N : Most Of Them Like Chicken Lmao)

Ash Squinted Looking At The List "I Don't Understand Japanese Letters! Why Did It Have To Be In Japanese?!" The Whole Group Agreed Except You-" Eiji Giggled At Ash's Expression "Look,This Says '観覧車' «Kanran-sha»It Means ‚Ferr-is Wh-eel'" Eiji Explained "I Still Don't Understand It!" Ash Crossed His Arms "Idiot..~" Eiji Laughed Out "You're An Idiot Too! You Still Have To Learn English Letters In Sesame Street,Hmp." Ash Scoffed Looking Away "Look- The List Says Rides : Ferris Wheel,Roller Skating,Bumper Cars. Dessert : Cheese & Pepperoni Pizza,Blueberry Sundae, Strawberry Sundae,Vanilla Sundae,Banana Sundae, Chocolate Chip Sundae,Cherry Sundae." Eiji Explained Again

Ash Was Ignoring Eiji,Upset "Come On Asheuu~" Eiji Giggled Ash was Giving The Silent Treatment, "Fine Then,You Win I'm Sorry For Calling You An Idiot.." Eiji Kissed Ash's Cheek,Ash Blushed a Tinted Bright Red Mumbling „I Love You..","I Love You Too~" Eiji Gave a Response,Then They Hugged It Out.
They Got Six Tickets For Each Of The 3 Rides,Then Ordered The Desserts.

They All Waited And Chatted With Eachother.









[600+ Words]

Project On Ice Crossover [Proj. Banana Fish x Yuuri On Ice]Where stories live. Discover now