"𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫"(𝟐)

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When we arrived at the beach, I wasn't really paying attention to what Tsireya was saying. My mind going back to Neteyam, maybe it was because he looked different then me or maybe because I actually found him...attractive?

I suddenly get shaked from my thoughts when I hear Tsireya welcoming the family, I look to the side and see them making there way down to sit down next to us me, Tsireya ,Aonung and Roxto  were already in a circle, I didn't even notice Roxto decide total along. "Take a seat wherever you would like" Tsireya sends them a small smile,

 I see Neteyam walk over to me and sit by my left and I look over to him a send him a small smile and he returns it. 

when we are all seated Tsireya decides to talk to them about the ocean, "The ocean is in you, so there's nothing to be afraid of. How about we go into the water to see how you guys will do without training first?" She speaks with a calm and sweet voice, i nod slowly and see the others are also agreeing.

Expect Aonung of course you could tell he didn't like them one bit. He rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath.

"Yeah sounds good" Neteyam speaks with his deep voice, since when was his voice so deep..? I looked over at Tsireya and saw her holding back a giggle and so was I. "Okay, let's go" I say while wiping the grin off my face. 

Aonung, and Tsireya jumped into the water smoothly while I was waiting for the Neteyam and his siblings to go in first. Of course Neteyam and his brother jumped in head first which made me roll my eyes and smile, after everybody was in the water I jumped in too.

When everybody arose from the water I started to speak, "So what are your names?".  Neteyam starts to speak while pointing at his brother "That's lo'ak" than he points to the eldest sister "that's Kiri" she sends me a smile, and I return in. Than points to the younger girl "That's Tuktirey", Neteyam finishes , "You can call me tuk" the younger girl states  with a sweet smile.

Than he points at himself "And I'm Neteyam" he says while looking at me, I nod my head with and smile. "I'm Sa'tari but you guys can call me Ari for short if you would like, That's Aonung" I say while pointing to the Metkayina boy. "and thats Tsireya" she smiles.

"Okay see you guys underwater" I say with a smirk, I dive down and see the rest of the group on my tail. After a maybe 10 seconds the Sullys kept raising up's
"What are they doing" Aonung signed, "there new clam down." I say while I roll my eyes 

They suddenly go back down and reach us again,
I started signing "are you guys okay?"all I got in return is confused faces, I squinted my brows and signaled to them to go back up.

All of us arose for the water, "Are you guys alright?" I say with a hint of concern, "you're too fast! wait for us." Tuk wines. Than of course Aonung had to add something to that do, "You may be good at swimming through trees but-" He started with a smirk looking over a Roxto who also started grinning  until he got a smack from Tsireya, I rolled my eyes, and then turned to Neteyam. 

"We don't understand this finger talk you guys, we don't know what you're saying." Neteyam says while we all are still floating above the water, I see that Tuk is having a hard time trying to float since she was out of breath, so I swam up to her. 

"Hey would you like me to pick you up so you can rest for a little bit?" I say with a smile, she nods and I pick her up resting her on my hip. 

"Don't worry me and Ari will teach you" Tsireya says while everyone turns to me, Neteyam smiles as he sees Tuk in my hands...Oh how I love Tuk already!

"Where's kiri?" I  turn to the side and see Roxto, well well well.."who?" Aonung asks, "Kiri, where is kiri?" Roxto repeats once again. "Well why don't you two go look for her, im sure she's not that far away" I say while I send Roxto a wink, Aonung rolls his eyes and dives down and so does Roxto.

I turn to the boys, "Don't worry she will be fine, im sure she's just exploring the reef" I say with a smile, Neteyam nods. "Why don't we go back to land and practise our breathing?' Tsireya offers

"Sounds good" Lo'ak answers, I was getting out the water, the water was below our thighs. before Neteyam nudged my arm,

 "here let me take her" He spoke softly, "are you sure, im okay with holding her" I answer him with a soft expression. Suddenly Tuk, starts wiggling herself out my arms and runs towards Tsireya and Lo'ak. 

I start laughing while covering my laugh with my hand, Neteyam returns the same laugh as me than looks over to me with a smile,

 I look up to his eyes and he looks down at me. He's not that much taller than me but some times he has to look down to look at me. He inks his eyes into mine, and suddenly I splash water in his face.

I started running through the water and laughing , I left him with a shocked expression and before I knew it he was running after me.. since he was taller he was running faster through the water. suddenly I felt someone push me into the water, oh fuck.

I sit up in the water and try to wipe off the water from my eyes and get rid of the now wet hair infront of my eyes , I look up and see Neteyam laughing his ass off. "Ha ha very funny" I say playfully while I roll my eyes. He looks over to me still laughing, "at least offer the lady some help" 

I say while sticking out my hand waiting for him to help me up a smirk across my face because he didn't expect was going to happen next.

"On my knees, for you Princess Sa'tari" he bowed playfully and stuck his hand out to grab mine, before he could pull me up,

 I pulled him down with me. him falling into the water beside me. I started bursting out laughing. he arose for the water, " I can't believe you fell for that" I say while covering my laugh with my hand. 

he rolls his eyes and moves his head side to side so that the water from his hair splashes me in the face. 

"Bitch" I say in disbelieve while wiping the water from my face. "Wow didn't know the princess, knew English" Neteyam says to me with a smirk, I turn to look at him and roll my eyes and ink his gaze into mine, "There's a lot of things you don't know about me" I announced while sending him a quick wink, he smiles and shakes his head slightly and looks down at the water clearly flustered , "come on we should get back to them", I add while I get up to my feet offering him my hand, he gladly takes it and stands up 

we leave the water and make our way to the rock, that two teenagers were already sitting on.


Thank you for reading the 2nd chapter! let me know if you guys prefer longer chapters or shorter ones. Love y'all <33

see you in chapter 3!

word count: 1,283

𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄|𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦 𝐱 𝐨𝐜Where stories live. Discover now