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This fanfic is not meant to be taken seriously! Hate towards me or the characters will not be tolerated! Feel free to leave your opinions, but please be respectful and kind :)

I am not a professional author, I write for fun, meaning that if you expect a high class, well written book, then this story is not for you!

If you enjoyed, please feel free to check out my other books! :)

Thank you :)


Harry Styles and Eleanor Calder; adopted siblings that belong to the royal family of Isereal.

Although not related by blood, they both share what most would call, a special sibling bond. They grew up together, took baths together, played together--heck, they wore each others clothes as one point!

They've been through it all; all the bad and the good, all the horrors and beautys of the world. It was tough, but as long as they had one another, they knew that everything would be fine. That's their level of commitment in their sibling love for one another.

Harry was born as a regular person, just like you and I, but when his parents gave him up, the king and queen saw this as an opportunity to have another child, since the queen refused to be pregnant again due to it being a really bad one.

Harry still doesn't know the truth behind why he was choosen out of all the other children, but he's glad, because he was a lucky kid, who was supposed to live in poverty and now in second place to rule Isereal. That is if Eleanor stepped down, or she passed away or something like that.

Harry didn't even care that he wasn't going to be king or rule, he's grateful that he had chance to live such a luxurious life without a worry.


Louis Tomlinson couldn't stand it; all the disappointment and sorrow his parents showed whenever they looked at him. He hated it.

He still remembers the pang he felt in his chest the moment he came out to his parents as bisexual not so long ago.

He did it all right. He talked to his parents first; asked how they felt about two boys being together, and how they would feel if he liked a boy and wanted to be with one. He thought it was ring a bell and they'd get the hint, but to his suprise they didn't.

They were fine when he asked them about it, but when it came down to him actually confessing that he takes it up the ass as well, they didn't react well.

His father was livid and his mother was crying. And as punishment he got all his cars and credit cards taken away until he 'fixes' himself. With no brother or sister to take his place, Louis concluded that no matter even if he fell inlove with a boy, he'd have to marry a girl, settle down with her and have a family. He just knew. Besides, it's not that it impossible for him to fall inlove with a girl, but he hoped that he wouldn't meet a boy first.

After a month of coming out his father announced that they have picked a bride for him, and that when he turns eighteen, he'd be engaged--his birthday is only a week away, and Louis dreaded for the day to come.

All his freedom would be taken away when he got engaged. His family would be busy fitting him into 'husband' material; getting him enrolled in classes about how a prince must treat his princess--the ten fine ways how to treat a lady--as he heard about it. He'd be stalked daily and have to spend an hour at least with his future bride. And knowing his parents, the wedding would be not long after the engagement--a year at most--and then, he'd be in actual hell.


Louis couldn't believe this. He really couldn't.

He knows nothing about her, only that her name is Eleanor--Princess Eleanor-- and she had a younger brother whom he didn't know the name of.

The first time their due to meet is the day before Louis' birthday. December 23rd, at dinner, so they could get comfortable with one another in time for him and Eleanor to announce their engagement and be engaged.

Louis hated all of this, and wished he wasn't forced into doing all of this.

But little does Louis know that meeting Eleanor would be a life changing event. But not in the way he expected.


Hiiiiii!!! This is my new of newest story! Lmk what you think and if I should continue :)

-Nir <3

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