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"Are you sure that nothing is wrong, sir, you seem very stress."

"I'm fine Rosiè, really."

Louis tried to reason with the girl infront of him, but with no luck, he eventually shook his head in amusement; admiring how much she valued her job.

He wasn't sure if she cared because it's her job, or because she wanted too, but in his eyes, it's still nice. Having someone care about you is such a nice feeling, even though it's probably not genuine.

"Please sir, your father will have my head if you don't attend lunch." She admitted with a pale face, hands shaking slightly.

Pity over took Louis, and before he could think, he's already reassuring her that he'll be down soon, the door shut and him half way dressed.

Since when did he care about others being beside his own? Louis wasn't sure.

"Poor girl." Louis mumbled as he threw on his blazer, dusting it off for good measures.

Two minutes later he's at the dinning table; his father at the head, with his mother on his right. Eleanor's parents on the left, sitting next to one another, while Harry and his sister sat next to them. Louis felt so out of place.

"Took you long enough." His mother scolded him and advised him to sit next to Harry which he did as asked.

It was the last thing he wanted to do, but it's either he sucks it up and sits next to Harry, or get embrassed while his mother scolds him infront of everyone.

"Why were you late?" Harry whispered, making Louis jump a bit. He hoped they could have went through today without them speaking, or atleast until last night's events had disappeared.

Guess not.

"I uh....I was erm...."

Avoiding you and your sister.

"Just busy, I suppose." Louis said more to himself than Harry, suprising both of them at his lack of confidence.

"You suppose?" Harry laughed silently, smiling a bit when Louis giggled as well.

Eleanor gave them a look, a smug one. And when the two sets of adults were about to say something, she quickly shut them up with a glare.

The power she holds is truly scary.

However, neither boys noticed, so in Eleanor's book, she's done nothing wrong.

"Where's the food?" Harry shrugged. "Was waiting for you to start, so we could all eat together." Louis nodded and was about to apologize to his parents for being late, but a hand on his thigh stopped him.

With wide eyes, he looked at Harry, as if asking what is he doing. "Don't bother, they'll be more mad." Harry advised as if reading the younger boy's mind.

Swallowing thickly, Louis nodded and met his father's eyes. They looked at eachother; Louis with fear, and his father with anger.

Thank You Eleanor | Larry Stylinson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now