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After what seems like a whole hour, Harry eventually found Eleanor outside at the garden, kicking and stomping on some flowers.

Harry stared at her for a second, debating on whether or not he should intervene because he knew perfectly well that if he wasn't careful he'd be the next rose under Eleanor's shoe. So carefully, he walked up to her and gestured for her to calm down.

"I know your upset, but I don't think you should be taking it out on the poor flowers."

"Who cares! Their just some stupid flowers." Eleanor responded, kicking them one last time before Harry grabbed her by her wrist and tugged her away from the floral murder scene.

"I hate this place; that little child is so rude, this place smells weird--heck, even the food looked weird! I hate it here!" Eleanor screamed and Harry looked around, making sure nobody heard his sister's complains.

"It's not that bad." Harry tried to reason even though he did agree about the food part. Eleanor scoffed and looked at him, as if saying 'are you being serious'.

"Okay fine, I agree. The food looked weird, but it's still your favourite dish."


"Was your favourite dish, but still, don't you think you were being a bit harsh?"

"I was being nice. If i was being harsh I would have told them what was what. Meaning that I would have properly insulted the palace, gave my honest thoughts on how silly they were dressed and most importantly, how rude it is to not offer other choices for dinner. Like seriously, what kind of person serves just one course! There should have been atleast five!" Eleanor rambled, and something told Harry to just nod and act as if he agreed.

'Maybe she's on her period'. Harry thought, making a face, scrunching up his face.

"And don't let me get started on how unfit it is that the servents wear whatever they want! They don't even have a uniform--why are you looking at me like that?" Harry shrugged and agreed, even though he really thought all of this was bullshit.

"So what I'm hearing is that you're not going back?" Harry asked and Eleanor shook her head. "I need an apology." Harry rolled his eyes when she wasn't looking and sighed, trying to convince her to head back because he could see their parents walking towards them, followed by Louis' parents as well as Louis himself.

Harry couldn't even warn Eleanor because their father was already running towards them and yelling their names.

"Eleanor, what was that stunt!?" Their father asked, tugging on her arm which she pulled away and hid behind Harry. "Just the truth, and nothing but that." Harry sighed and forced Eleanor to stop hiding behind him, making her glare at him.

"I hope you know that I'm very disappointed by you young lady." Their mother said sternly, bowing when Louis, and his parents joined them.

The adults started apologizing to one another, trying to talk things out, but in the end everyone knew that Eleanor and Louis owed eachother an apology. So with a little convincing, Louis mumbled a 'sorry' while Eleanor scoffed and refused to say it back.

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