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(The Dinner)


"A penis is made to be inside of a woman's vagina, not up another man's ass!"

And that children, is the story of what Prince Louis Tomlinson was told after he came out to his parents as bisexual.


"You look so handsome my son!" Mark praised at Louis, patting him on his back with the proudest look on his face, clearly missing the uncomfortable look on Louis' face.

"Well aren't you going to say something?" Mark asked after Louis simply nodded and began staring at himself in his mirror, wondering what, and how all of this went wrong.

For starters his tux is too tight; showing of more of his already feminine body. So curvy, slim and small. He loved it.

He adored his petite features; his curves, tiny waist, small hands and silky legs. But he knew that his father disapproved of his feminine appearance--always wanting a more masculine and buff son who had muscles, a son that could actually lift up something heavier than his own body weight and if Louis guessed, a son that could grow a beard or atleast grow some sort of body hair.

Not even his penis--

"It's nothing father, it's just that don't you think it shows of my body a bit too much?" Louis responded and gestured to himself, a bit disappointed because he knew his father would make him change into either a more loose tux or maybe a fancy shirt and jeans to hide his body.

Then again, his father choosed a tux that he knew is about two sizes too small for Louis, so maybe there could be progress after all?

Mark eyed him up and down, then paused, thinking.

"Maybe you're right. After all, we don't want your future bride seeing you as more feminine as herself!" He laughed at his own joke and as expected made Louis dress in another tux that was more his size, but still showed of his curvy body. Not as much as the previous one, but still somewhat decent.

Mark left to go check on dinner while Louis started changing.

Louis couldn't help but feel a wave of sadness over throw him. He felt so stiff--a feeling that made him think he's trapped. A life that may not necessarily be bad, but one that he just can't bring himself to actually enjoy.

When finished dressing himself he walked straight to the dinning room where his mother and father would be. Too his suprise he saw an unknown girl setting up everything, placing the plates and glasses ever so carefully and Louis knew why. That was their family's most expensive dinner set, costing around $1000 per plate. There were around 40 if Louis remembered correctly.

She looked up and smiled at Louis, bowing in respect and continued preparing everything. Louis however wanted to help her--well that's his excuse anyway.

Louis found her beautiful--a true art of beauty.

"Mind if I help you?" She looked up, suprised. "Oh no it's fine sir, I've got it."

"No, no, it's fine! What's your name?" Louis asked and took the stack of plates from her hands and more carelessly started passing them around while the girl looked on as if she's having a heart attack.

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