Chapter 3 - Our Fate

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The Southeast Military Base


This time, it looks like we are watching RY4N who seems to be going towards the Great Leader's office, maybe ready to talk to his brother about a particular subject again. Yet when walking alone in the hallway, he is stopped by LUK3 who just happened to notice him, forcing RY4N to look towards the weird man and respond to his words.

[LUK3]-Hey, RY4N!

[RY4N]-Hm? Oh, good day, LUK3! I was about to go and talk with CHE5TER. Anything wrong?

[LUK3]-N-No, no! Nothing like that! I was thinking that maybe we could go for a small walk before we start with all the work! I already talked with N04H and KYR4 and managed to get them to join! MY4 said she has some work to do at the shelter though, and C0NNER simply doesn't want to come! So I thought of adding you to the list too! What do you say? Do you think you can convince CHESTER as well so you both could come with us? You know... like we used to do in the past?

[RY4N]-Why didn't you ask him on your own though?

[LUK3]-Well... I mean, you are brothers. Maybe He will be more indulgent and accept the offering if you go instead! If I try it, I bet He will get annoyed by my presence as always! Pleaaase?

[RY4N]-I don't really think he would come though. You know He refuses to lose time only by wandering for the sake of resting for some months now. But... I guess I can give it a try. For the memories.

[LUK3]-Hehe! Alright! I will bring the others and wait for you outside! Good luck!!

And so LUK3 leaves, letting RY4N do what he intended to before. When he arrives in front of the office, he opens the door and notices the Great Leader staying on His chair, looking at the city from the huge window of the room. But even if no word was given, He could sense His brother's presence in no time.

[CHE5TER]-...So? Why did you come, RY4N?

[RY4N]-Good day to you too. A bit rude today, are we?

[CHE5TER]-You know I don't have time for such things. Did you come to inform me of something?

[RY4N]-Why do you believe that I always come only to give you an information? Can't I just talk with you every once in awhile about anything else besides work?

[CHE5TER]-And why do you believe that we have so much time now like we used to have in the past? Problems come every day and none of us can just solve them in a few seconds. If it was possible, then maybe we had time, RY4N. But since it isn't, chit-chat isn't something that I would like to participate in right now.

[RY4N]-You have such nonsense in your words, Brother. What's so hard to just talk for a few minutes when we get the chance to meet? To take a break from the constant stress and problems of the Great Leader title?

[CHE5TER]-*sigh* Hard to please, as always... How many times do I have to repeat myself for you to finally comprehend the situation though? Am I really that hard to be understood, or you just want to achieve something for yourself?

[RY4N]-If none us managed to understand you, did you think that maybe you simply make it hard for all of us to do so?

[CHE5TER]-Be it as you wish then. Maybe this way, we will end this conversation sooner and get back to business. So do tell me, why did you come to me?

From this response of CHE5TER's, RY4N kind of gives up on his initial plan that made him come here in the first place, so he just continues with LUK3's idea.

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