Chapter 4 - Black Market

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The Underground City

There's nothing special going on now, as a young boy, probably the same age as N04H, seems to be celebrating something alongside some of his friends. It's actually pretty common around this city anyway, so why bother. But it doesn't seem to be happening in the present, more like some months ago, being simply a small memory.

As for who the boy is, hard to say for sure. He seems to be a student, or maybe a graduate from the schools. But that doesn't matter for now, as it doesn't take long before the boy notices a strange closed area as he wanders around the city. Curiosity might kill sometimes though, as he separates himself from the group he was with and goes towards that area alone, without entering it at first, having the feeling that something is waiting for him over there, so as he gets closer, he hears a voice calling for his name, RY3. He gets even more curious and enters the closed area in the end, looking around the walls of the buildings to find the person.

But as he finds himself at a dead end, the person he was trying to find finally makes his appearance. A strange looking figure, wearing very long clothes in order to hide himself from the light, or what these beings call them, crevaator clothes, wearing also a weird insignia on his arm representing him as a part of that group. Even his face is almost impossible to see, but you still can if you struggle for a while.


The boy looks behind, noticing the figure that stands to block his path out, getting all of a sudden terrified because of it. As you look at the face of the figure though, you can actually see blood all over his mouth, with such a look that can paralyse you the moment you see it.

[RY3]-W-What do you want??

[Crevaator]-Oh, nothing special, little boy. I was simply wondering...

The figure looks straight in the boys eyes, almost as his true intention is to terrify him till he faints. But it doesn't take long before he decides to speak again.

[Crevaator]-...are you interested in a deal?


The Southeast Military Base


But now we are finally arriving in the present days, where it seems that N04H started training as he finally got his approval on the role "Investigator" from the Leader. LUK3 is helping him learn martial arts, as now he is his teacher for a year, while KYR4 is watching them and adds some things whenever she thinks it's needed. LUK3 seems pretty good in fighting techniques actually, but he can't help but make himself a fool sometimes. N04H, on the other hand, seems exhausted.

[LUK3]-Good, good! Come on! At least five more minutes and we take a break!

[N04H]-I can't... hold... another... minute.

[LUK3]-Man, you sure don't do physical exercises very often!

[N04H]-We are training continuously... for one hour! Without any... kind of break...

[LUK3]-Then what the hell were you doing during the P.E. classes??

[N04H]-...We had breaks even back then!!

[LUK3]-Oh, gods... Okay, take a break, you little baby! These are literally the simplest exercises, I can't even imagine how you would act at the others later!

[N04H]-Simple in my ass! It was simple what the teachers were showing us at school, not these!

[KYR4]-Oh, I've never imagined N04H getting angry. You sure have a talent to awaken what's worse in people, LUK3.

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