chapter 3: in castle ravenloft

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lola was awakened by footsteps coming from where she was lying, she was in a well respectable room with candles on all sides and red leather on each part of the room she was in and coming from the door was the vampire lord himself, strahd von zarovich.

"why did you bring me here for?"she yelled.

"funny you should ask that, i brought you here because you have the vistani blood that i could smell from far away, and no that bard doesnt have what it takes to kill his friends but i know you will help me in succeeding with my evil plan on taking over the world once and for all!"he says slowly walking towards her with a slight grin on his face.

lola slowly tries to back away from him as he gets closer and makes a run for the bedroom door but was stopped by his minions.

"don't think about running, i can easily bring you back here with the power of telelportation and if you think im going to let you go then your wrong,  all i want from you is that you are willing to work for me but if you refuse i will kill your girlfriend and your friends but if you accept i will let them live  and i will not kill them, the choice is yours!" He says and then walks out of the room and closes it, leaving lola on her knees bursting into tears...

(To be continued,  hope you guys enjoyed this part i thought i did really well tbh anyways cya soon peace!!!)

luna and crystal: the curse of strahd pt 1Where stories live. Discover now