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(Song suggestion: Lost / Heart by Cuco)

Love interest: Ellie

(Note: This is a character swap, so Dina does exist but Y/n is in Dina's shoes, so Y/n came to help Ellie with Abby instead of Dina... Does that make sense? Also Y/n is a female in this chapter as she's pregnant)

Warnings: Strong language, teen pregnancy.


Ellie helps Y/n inside a movie theater, she was out of breath and obviously very weak. Ellie pushed open the doors, hoping no runners, clickers, or even bloaters were inside ready to attack.

Ellie helped Y/n hold onto one of the many doors before pushing on the door. Stuff was blocking it Ellie slammed her body against the door luckily Ellie was strong enough to get the door open and all the stuff fell allowing them inside.
Ellie walked inside first and looked around from the door. Ellie gave Y/n the okay so they walked inside, Ellie used a chair's legs to lock the door.

Y/n sat on a couch near the front door and Ellie followed.

"You want to tell me what's going on with you?" Ellie asked in a monotone voice.

Y/n shook her head, not in a 'no' type of way but a shocked type of way before looking up at Ellie.

"What's going on with me?" She asks, chuckling in a sarcastic way. "Ellie... I just saw you breathe spores"

Ellie moved her hands out.

"I told you..." Ellie whispered. "...I'm immune"

"Okay, you're immune?" Y/n said, still out of breath, huffing but also in a way upset. "Come on"

Ellie looked at her, her eyes wide and mouth agape. (photo above)

"I was bitten a long time ago..." Ellie started.

"The hell are you talking about?-" Y/n said in a louder voice.

"-I was bitten and nothing happened." Ellie shrugged, raising her arms at her sides before dropping them again.

Y/n's eyes trailed from her Ellie's face, to her right arm... 

"The chemical burn" Y/n lets out a soft sigh, realizing.

Ellie nodded, she began playing with her hands, looking from her hands to Y/n's face. She felt nervous under Y/n's intense look.

"Maria and Tommy... and Joel are the only ones that know" Ellie began, swallowing nervously. "...Knew... Now you know"

Y/n hunched over while sitting feeling confused and lost... She and Ellie had been friends since the day Ellie went to Jackson and Ellie had been immune the whole time. Everytime they went out to patrol and they got attacked by a group of clickers Y/n was the only one in true danger. Y/n rubbed her face and then her knee, and then her face again. Her body kept moving around slowly.

"I can't..." Ellie looks down then back at Y/n. "get you infected if that's what you're worried about."

Y/n looked up at Ellie. She'd never seen Ellie look like this, so fragile, so open. Her eyes had slight tears but Y/n knew Ellie to well to know she wouldn't let them fall.

"I can't make you immune either..." Ellie looks down as if she wished she could.

Y/n's facial expression held sadness her bottom lip quivered but there was also anger. Y/n looked back down at her dirty shoes.
She wanted to shout at her, tell her she didn't even know who Ellie was, she wanted to ask her a million and one questions... But this was already enough to process.

After a moment and Y/n didn't say anything Ellie moved closer to Y/n, standing in front of her.

"Can you say something?" Ellie asks.

Y/n let out a sigh...

"Ellie..." Y/n wipes her eyes before placing her hand on her stomach as she looks up at Ellie, tears pouring down her cheeks. "I think I'm pregnant"

Ellie's face stayed still for a moment before her brows furrowed and her lips moved up.

"What?..." Ellie whispered.

"Don't worry it's not yours" Y/n joked, wiping her nose and leaning back resting on her hand and letting out a soft chuckle.

Ellie took a step back.

"What are we supposed-" Ellie stopped looking at Y/n and then looked down. "What are we supposed to do now?" 

"Nothing" Y/n shook her head still sniffling. "I just... I need to rest for a second"

"Are you kidding me" Ellie growls before looking up at Y/n walking towards her, her facial expression almost looked hurt but also worried. "How long have you known?!"

"I was wait a few weeks ago-" Y/n shook her head while she spoke.

"A few weeks? We could've..." Ellie sighs. "We still could've turned back"

"I didn't know..." Y/n brings her hands out raising her palms upwards before dropping them and scoffing. "I wasn't sure, okay?... I didn't want to be a burden-"

"Well you're a burden now, aren't you?" Ellie says, her face serious for a second before she realized what she said and she looked down.

Y/n's face was full of hurt as her stomach dropped...

"I'm gonna..." Ellie began looking at the floor, refusing to look at Y/n taking multiple steps back. "...make sure this place is secure. You just rest"


Well... the fluff chapter idea didn't last very long. I promise I'll come up with more clever ideas than just replacing Y/n with a scene although I'm sure I'll do it again but for right now I think this was a decent chapter!

Remember to vote and comment!!

Next release: 2/14/2023

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