
804 12 1

Song suggestion: None

Love interest: Jesse

Warnings: Accidental teen pregnancy, mental breakdown.
(Mentions of smut but nothing in detail)

(A/N: In no way am I glorifying teen pregnancy and in no way am I bashing it. Please don't think I am doing either)


Y/n called Dina and Ellie over. Y/n had gotten a pregnancy test from the doctor's office, she'd said it was for a friend but that was an obvious lie.

Y/n had just turned 17 four months ago whilst Jesse was just about to turn 18 in two months. They'd been dating a year and were closer than many of the married people in Jackson.

Y/n sat on her couch, her hand holding her bloated stomach as she quietly cried. Two soft knocks were heard as she stood up.
She opened the door and saw a worried Dina who looked even more worried seeing Y/n. And Ellie who looked somewhat confused but also concerned.

"Oh shit... you look like shit" Ellie blurted, raising her eyebrows a bit.

"Ellie!" Dina reprimanded her, turning and giving her an angry stare.

"Sorry..." Ellie cringed.

It was true. Dark circles coated Y/n's under eyes, dried and new tears coated her cheeks, and the whites of her eyes were red.
Y/n began to cry even harder. Dina rushed into the room, Ellie following along shutting the door behind them

"What happened?" Dina asks, helping Y/n over to the couch.

Ellie stood in front of them, awkwardly fiddling with her fingers.

"I.. I'm..." Y/n tries to talk but the words won't come out.

"You're what, Y/n?" Dina asks, kneeling in front of her and holding her hands.

Y/n points to the bathroom, with a shaky finger. Dina quickly gets up and goes to the bathroom. Y/n stares in that direction. After a couple of seconds, Dina comes out, slowly, holding the pregnancy test in her hands.

"Oh... Y/n" Dina stares at it. "Is it his?" 

"Of course, it's his! I... I would never" Y/n tells Dina.

Dina looks at her friend, sympathetically.

"He's going to leave me! I know it!" Y/n sobbed.

"What?" Ellie asks, looking back and forth between Y/n and Dina.

"No, he won't! He won't! He's better than that" Dina rushes back over to Y/n's side.

"Guys... I'm so confused" Ellie tells them.

"Ellie shut up for a second" Dina scolds her girlfriend.

"Jeez" Ellie mutters, Dina sends her an annoyed glance before looking back at Y/n, rubbing her back.

"I... I can't do this alone. I can't..." Y/n looks at Dina while a tear falls from her cheek. 

"You aren't alone... You have me... You aren't-"

"And me!" Ellie points out.

"Yeah, her too" Dina nods, slightly annoyed by Ellie's childish behavior before becoming serious again.

"You need to tell him. You can't hide this..." Dina tells her.

Ellie stands there, still heavily confused. Trying to put the pieces together the best she could.

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