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(Y/n, Mel, Owen, Nora, Abby go hiking but Y/n gets lost so she runs around trying to find them but she can't until she finds Abby worried about her)

Song suggestion: None

Love interest: Abby



"I wonder if we'll see any scars out here" Mel wondered out loud.

"Probably not, we're too far out" Owen shakes his head.

The six of them walked down the overgrown deer trail that went at an awkward uphill angle making them have to hold onto thin trees to get up.

"Nora..." Y/n has trouble breathing. "How much longer, my knees are killing me."

"Just a little farther than we can take a break." She said in a calm voice.

Nora, Abby, Manny, and Owen were the athletic ones in the group. Mel and Y/n were the calmer ones who liked to just chill but also didn't want to be left out, so they came along.

Nora lead them, Owen was behind her, then Mel, then Manny, then Y/n then Abby behind Y/n. Y/n tried to ignore the aching feeling in her knees by looking around at their surroundings, trees, birds, grass, and bushes. 

"HEY! WOLVES!" A voice up ahead shouts.

"SCARS!" Manny shouts before ducking away the rest of us doing the same.

Each of them ran, and hid in different places. Y/n ducked behind a thick tree.

"Where did they go?" One of the female scars said in an eager voice.

The four scars departed looking around for the wolfs but didn't find them, they regrouped and continued on their way figuring we ran off.
Y/n stood up from her spot after about four minutes and brushed herself off.

"Hey, guys?" Y/n calls out quietly enough so the scars didn't hear Y/n.



Y/n stood in one place, moving in a circle looking for their group. She saw nothing, no movement...

"It's okay to come out now," They tell them.

"Okay, guys! This isn't funny!" Y/n begins looking around, behind and in bushes, behind trees.

"ABBY?!" Y/n calls out.

They follow the trail looking around, slightly hugging themself.


The feeling of anxiety built up in her throat as they realized what had happened. They must've run off without Y/n, not purposely but... now Y/n was lost. They were deep in the woods, and the trails split... they wouldn't be able to find their way out on their own.

"ABBY" Y/n screams at this point.

Y/n didn't know what direction they went... or how far away they were. 

"ABBY!! MEL!!" She begins to tear up.

"Y/N?" She hears a voice echo from the distance.

"I'M HERE! I'M HERE!" She runs in the direction of the voice.


Y/n stops and lets out a breath. A relieved shaky voice... As she saw a group running towards her, the group she took steps forward until she saw Abby, then those steps became a run.

She ran to Abby, hugging her tight. Abby wraps her arms around Y/n's body.


SORRY! Short chapter! I really am sorryyy!

Also, have you guys been watching The last of us episodes on HBO max? Bella Ramsey plays such a good Ellie! 

Next update: 2/15/23

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