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Song: Anything Christmas related.

Love interest: Abby



Abby's arms were sore after such a long day of training. Despite it being Christmas eve she needed to train. Abby was tried, practically holding onto consciousness for dear life. She and Abby shared an apartment, they moved out of the place they used to sleep in with the group after Mel and Owen moved out to the aquarium.

Abby and Y/n had been dating for almost three years and they'd even talked about marriage on and off.
Abby opened the front door to the apartment and walked in, shutting and locking the door.

"Abby!" A chipper voice calls from the kitchen.

Abby goes to the kitchen and sees Y/n stirring something in a pot on the stove. Their hair was wet and they were in a two-piece matching pajamas.

"Hey, Y/n" Abby smiles.

"I'm making some hot chocolate. Go take a shower and then change into the clothes I left in there for you! I have a surprise" They say quickly.

"Okay, okay..." Abby nods tiredly as she goes to the bathroom.

Once she finished showering, using soap, shampoo, and conditioner she left her hair down and changed into the pajamas Y/n left for her. They matched the ones they were wearing. Red polka dots.

Abby walked out of the bathroom and Y/n quickly rushed up to her with a mug of hot brown liquid. Abby took a small sip of the hot chocolate.

"Hurry! I have a surprise for you!" Y/n rushes away in the direction of the living room.

"Slow down Y/n!" Abby sighs while following Y/n.

"Taa-daaaa!" She heard Y/n say as she turned the corner.

There was a Christmas tree in the corner, popcorn wrapped around with some streamers. There was even a scarf at the bottom of the tree and two wrapped presents under it. On the fireplace there were two red stockings, Abby took a step closer and saw her name written with hearts around her name. She remembered telling Owen before she met Y/n how all she wanted was for someone to love her enough to put her name on a stocking... Butterflies filled her stomach.

"I wrote your name with some of the glitter glue from the school," Y/n told her proudly. "Mel also let me have some of her decorations since she has a bunch. Go on, look what I got you"

Y/n sat on the couch that had a Santa pillow on it. Abby grabbed her stocking and sat in front of the fireplace, feeling the heat radiating off it while facing Y/n. She pulled out some hair ties.

"I know you braid your hair a lot and you've been using the same old one over and over so I figured..." Y/n explained while she smiled.

Abby pulled out a stick of lip balm. The entire stocking had hair ties, lip balm, a small notebook, knitted gloves, and new bootlaces. Christmas was really hard in an apocalypse, it became less about fun stuff and more about practical stuff, and most people didn't celebrate it but Y/n did, it was a sense of normalcy.

"Thank you, Y/n" Abby smiled, completely grateful.

"You're welcome but you're not done! There are still two presents under the tree... Those are your big gifts" Y/n pointed to the tree.

Abby reached over and grabbed the bigger present with red wrapping.

"Mel also let me use some wrapping since they didn't have any here" Y/n admitted.

Abby ripped open the wrapping paper, not wasting a second. It was a box, she opened the box and saw boots.

"I know the sole was ripping off your old ones and the last thing I want is for you to trip, there are also new laces in the boots too, you just have to put them in" Y/n points a little.

"Thank you!" Abby smiled.

Abby reached for the next present and opens it and it's four books.

"I found those while salvaging. I went to a bookstore the one they don't loot anymore, and took down two clickers too! Anyways, I thought you'd like those books since we don't have a TV anymore!" Y/n smiles.

"This has been one of the best Christmas' yet! Thank you!" Abby gets up and hugs Y/n.

"Of course!"



I apologize! I've had really bad writer's block recently so I'll probably start pre-writing these instead of writing, editing, and posing, so they'll be pre-written and then published on a certain date but I'll still be actively replying to comments! :)


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