Chapter Six

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(A/N: Alright, here's Chapter Six, right after the previous chapter! I might try to do Chapter Seven tonight too!  Anywhoozles, here we go! Oh and this is taking place the same evening, but with what Kurapika and Y/N were doing after Killua went upstairs.)


Kurapika noticed Killua silently take his leave from the living room from the corner of his eye. He pondered over what Killua and Y/N might've done all day, different scenarios manifesting in his mind. There was a light poke at his cheek, bringing him back from his thoughts. He looked over to see a pair of hopeful e/c eyes staring back at him, the owner with her finger still in midair after retracting from his skin. He nervously cleared his throat.

"Yes?" He asked curiously.

"What would you like to do?" Y/N asked excitedly.

Kurapika didn't answer right away, instead thinking it over.

'What do I like to do?' he asked himself in his mind.

He liked to read and take walks, but being used to keeping to himself, he never really acquired any hobbies to enjoy with company. As Y/N saw Kurapika's eyebrows knit in concentration, she sympathized with his struggle and an idea came to mind. She promptly got up from her seat and headed down the hall.

'I lost her... I spent way too much time trying to think of something, when I could've just picked something simple. Something normal. Why can't I be more normal?' Kurapika thought sadly to himself with his head held low, now alone in the room.

After a minute, Y/N returned to the living room and plopped herself next to Kurapika on the couch. Feeling the sudden pressure on the seat by him, he snapped his head up to see Y/N beside him, happily beaming at him. Her positivity was contagious and pulled him out of his mood, he couldn't help but smile back. He noticed an object in her hands: the item she returned with.

'A deck of cards? I don't think I know any card games.' He thought to himself nervously.

Y/N took the cards out of the pack and began to shuffle.

"We can play Stravaris!" she announced excitedly.

Just as he thought, he'd never heard of that game.

"Oh, I don't know how to play..." he admitted worriedly, afraid of disappointing her.

"Oh, I know. No one does. It's a game I created, but I think it's really fun. I can teach you how to play!" Y/N offered, excited to show someone her game.

(A/N: Stravaris is a card game that I created a few years ago, I won't go into all the details for the gameplay, but I designed it to be a good friendly game, as both players help each other to tie out, so the rounds continue, because helping the other player can in turn help you, but sooner or later there will be a winner, can be after one round, can take several rounds, I named it Stravaris after the strategy it takes and communication, and how the game length can really vary, stra = strategy, varis = varies. Anyway it's a fun game for friends to play because it isn't so competitive.)

Y/N explained how the game went, and Kurapika thought it was simple enough.

"Got it? Let's play a practice round!" Y/N said before standing and grabbing the seated Kurapika by the arm to lead him to an area of the floor where they could play.

She dealt the cards and took her turn. She requested for Kurapika to show her his hand and played the round for him and it caused them to tie out.

"That's what I planned to do." Kurapika announced after the round concluded.

Good Friends (Kurapika X Reader X Killua) (Hunter X Hunter) Where stories live. Discover now