Chapter eight: shut out

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Elsa's pov

On our way home, Anna was still unconscious, the troll king said she'd be like that for a few days.
Momma and Papa talked about what to do when we get home, but I didn't pay any attention. I was too busy worrying about Anna, and my powers.
I hope she's okay....I hope I'm okay.

(Once they got home)

Once we got home, papa ordered the guards outside our castle to shut the gates, and keep them shut. Don't open them for anyone, no mater what.
They put Anna on her bed, and shut her door. Then they looked at me, with a sympathetic look in the eyes.
I couldn't take it anymore, so I ran to my room, shut the door, and cried. I cried for hours.

Anna's pov
(A few days later) (Anna woke up the day before)

It was after lunch and I was playing dolls in my room. I saw Elsa in the hall, so I ran over to her, she was right in front of the door to her room, about to go in.
"Elsa! You want to play dolls?"
She looked at me for a second, her eyes doll, then opened the door to her room, and went in.
She didn't even smile.....
I went to my room, and played by myself.


The next few days were just like that one. The next few weeks even. I never really saw Elsa anymore. She avoided me, and everyone else.
I'm getting tired of it! I don't understand!

Frozen: Jack Frost, Elsa and Anna: FadedWhere stories live. Discover now