Chapter Fifteen

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"If a fellow isn't thankful for what he's got, he isn't likely to be thankful for what he's going to get."


since everyone was off work/school for
Thanksgiving, Adrianna woke up and headed over to the Curtis house.

she put the food in large bags and walked on over. thankfully, no Soc had rolled by in their car to cat call her or what not.

Thanksgiving was the one day of peace between the two sides of Tulsa.

she arrived and unlocked the door, seeing everyone was still asleep.

so, as quietly as possible, she began cooking everything.

once the turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing was ready, she got onto desert and rolls.

she popped the rolls into the small oven and began on the cherry pie.

suddenly, some hands grabbed her waist and spun her around.

"what do you think you're doing?" Pony asked in a raspy morning voice.

"Thanksgiving dinner." she smiled.
a large grin appeared on his face, "you don't need to do that."

"but i want to!" she whispered yelled.
that must've woken Darry up because he came into the room

"hey Adrianna what are you- oh Adrianna he sighed.

"hiya Darry." she smiled.

he smiled a sweet smile and his eyes were glossy.

"you didn't need to do this, kiddo." he nearly cried.

she put down her spatula and hugged him.

"but i wanted to do something for you guys. you guys have been so sweet to me recently." she smiled to him.

he wiped his eyes.

"Pony you got lucky with this one." Darry smiled to his brother and Pony returned it, nodding. so, Pony helped her make the rest of the food, and by 2PM they had had about 2 food wars and the kitchen was a mess.

but, the food was done.

so they cleaned up and the rest of the gang slowly arrived.

they all had happy hearts at what Adrianna was doing.

the beginning of that week, she had been sexually assaulted.

now she was cooking a Thanksgiving feast for her family.

"you have flour all over your sweater." Pony said and laughed.

"well so do you!" she smiled.

he ran up stairs and came back with a t-shirt and a washrag.

he dusted himself off and gave her the shirt. then she brought the food to the table.

"geez Adrianna, you must be an angel from Heaven."
Two said and stared at all the food with wide eyes.

"awh, you know that's not true." she sighed and they all grabbed a plate.

after saying a small blessing they made themselves plates and ate every scrap of food.

those boys ate like dogs.

"hey Adrianna, can i talk to you for a second?" Dally asked.

Adrianna nodded since her mouth was full and sat her plate down, following Dally out the door.

"i just wanted to say thank you. i know these days have been hard but the whole gang's here for you. this dinner really means a lot. i can tell you put a lot of effort and i feel bad cause if i would've known
¡ would've helped. now don't go telling the gang that i'm going soft for you, okay?" he said.

she loved his New York accident. surprisingly, she didn't respond.

she just hugged him.

at first he was stiff but eventually loosened up and hugged back.

Dally even smelled like trouble, but she didn't mind.
that whole gang was soft for her, there was no denying it. they didn't even have to say it. that Thanksgiving meal was one to remember.


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