Chapter One

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"The perfect life".

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      Under the radiating sun, branches and flowers trip over themselves

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Under the radiating sun, branches and flowers trip over themselves. The human beings of wide spread of ages going through with their daily routines, the neighborhood echoes with variety of tone in voices.

The (Y/H/C) individual drops herself onto the porch, the rusty nails wiggling itself around under the sudden mass of weight.

She heavily drags her heated hands across her blazing face and buildup of strands that under her fingers, feels closely to the texture that of slipperiness , "I can't wait to take a real break".

The unpredictable weather had made a whole three-sixty compared to the rainy chilliness caused by the shyness of the sun and the clouds at their peak.

Another Individual leaps onto the pouch, the wood creaking down under the shift in pressure. He shoves the only other organism in the side with his dainty foot, the pressure similar to a feather of a bird.

A deep chuckle erupts out of his throat as he skips his way into the house with more paint bottles to add more color into the home. A few minutes later, he descends from the front door and plops himself down next to her, "You act like the worlds ending".

Lilith shakes her head, the breeze brushing past it. She swiftly shifts herself to the side to get a hold of the brown box a few inches from her.

"Life makes me feel like it is, Noah". She swings her tan arms so her hands can land on top of the lumpy box, throwing it open to reach inside without causing harm to the fragile object inside, treating it like it has a higher chance of easily breaking than the frailest piece of glass.

The man scoffs out loud, she takes any given opportunity to be dramatic to the smallest situations. He hooks his covered arm over her shoulder, his hand landing onto the arm of her sweatshirt.

She drops her head onto his shoulder and softly puts the object up towards the booming star. The cameras rusty edges remind her of the situations it's been through, the situations she's been through.

The guy tapes her shoulder and she glances over at him. He holds a gentle but firm grip onto her shoulder, too which she blankly stares at.

He frowns and drops his hands to his sides. "I know life has been difficult for you. I understand that but there's things that you simply cannot change".

She simply doesn't answer. There's not much to say, at least not enough to make into a sentence. She signs to herself and looks down at her paint bucket next to her and slightly kicks at it, "I understand".

A loud ringing sound suddenly bursts throughout the old house. The two let it ring for a while before one of them gets up. Noah nods his head and gives her one last smile, right before getting up and brushing himself off. 

She listens to his footsteps retreating and plays with the paint on her fingers. She grabs the paint brush right next to her foot and jumps up from the ledge. But she drops it as the man calls out her name.

"Lily, there's someone want to speak with you. And I have a feeling you might want to listen ".

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