Chapter 2: Awakening.

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All I can see is white. Just white. Nothing else. I try to open my eyes, but I can't. It's impossible. It's like something is holding me down, keeping me away from the world.
It's quiet. I can't hear anything. I can't see anything. I can't feel anything. I can't smell anything. I can't taste anything. I can't DO anything.
All I can hear is faint ringing. All I can see is white. All I can feel are my thoughts. All I can smell is nothing. All I can taste is nothing. All I can do is think.
I'm missing everything and everyone. Storybrooke. My home. Henry.
I can't even think straight. What happened? Where am I now? The last thing I remember is seeing Henry whilst I ate breakfast, taking the dishes to the sink, putting them in and running the water.
Then I begin to hear a faint noise. It sounds like talking. But more like muttering. No. I'm imaging it. Then I feel something soft. Like bedsheets. And the white curtain that had covered my eyes had opened to reveal darkness. I don't know what is happening. I'm confused. The taste of cinnamon and apples begins to fill my mouth. My breakfast. And that scent of a hospital begins to enter my nose. I feel something touch my face. Screaming my name. Calling me "mom". It's Henry.
I'm trying. I'm trying to speak. I'm trying to open my eyes. It's hard. It's like my eyes are being forced shut.
Then they open. I gasp.
An oxygen mask covers my face. Then Henry pulls it off.
"Mom!!" Henry cries. He grabs onto me. I'm confused. What just happened?
"What?.. Where?.." I begin. I'm trying to speak but I can't get the words out. My voice is so croaky and my throat hurts.
"Mom, are you okay?" He asks worriedly.
I try to get the words out but I can't. So I give him a small nod.
"Don't worry mom. You're in the hospital. You passed out." I look at him with confusion. Emma is stood there and I look at her. She hands me a glass of water. I take it and drink it.
Much better.
"I... I passed out?" I ask. My voice is still a bit croaky, but now I can communicate.
"Yeah... Henry called me and I came over as soon as I could. I saw you. You were looking really pale, and you were cold out." Emma explains to me.
"How long has it been?" I ask.
"2 days." Henry says.
Wow. I was out for 2 days. It's killing me. Everything.
My past. It's affecting me. But no matter how badly I try, I can't. I can't forget. It's impossible.
"Mom, if there's something wrong you can tell me." Henry assures me.
"No, there's nothing wrong Henry." I lie.
"Really mom? Cause I don't thing you would usually pass out because of nothing." He begins to get serious. I don't know how much interrogation I can take from him."
"I don't think I was feeling too good that morning. Maybe that's why."
"I did ask you mom." He grabs my hand and holds it in between his palms. They're soft. And warm. I feel a lot better already.
But my past still haunts me. I don't know how to forget.
Maybe I should tell him. After all, he is my son. He is understanding and sweet. He'll probably get it.
No. I can't. I can't tell anyone. No one can know. Not even Henry.
I want to. It's hard.
But I can't.
"Mom..." he says in that way. I've been thinking again.
I fake a yawn.
"I'm tired Henry." I grab him and give him a hug.
"Maybe we should leave her alone," Emma tells Henry. I sigh. But maybe it's a good idea. It'll give me time to think and process everything. "Let's let your mother sleep."
"Alright. Bye mom. Love you." Henry says. He comes up to me, kisses my cheek and leaves. I smile. Then I feel the pain of the needles in my arm, connected to a drip. I didn't know what to do, so I decided to pick up my phone.
16 missed calls.
12 texts.
And they're all from Robin.

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