Chapter 17: Gone

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"Regina, calm down." Emma says.
I'm pacing around my living room, feeling hot and flustered, panicking, worried, scared for them, I can't control myself.
Her hand grabs my arm and I turn to face her. She pulls me in and her hand holds the back of my head.
"Regina, it's okay. Just calm down. They'll be alright. They are alright. Okay?" I bury my face into her shoulder. She can hear my sobbing, but I don't even care any more. "Regina, come on." She pulls me onto the couch to sit down. "Deep breaths now." I try, but nothing is helping. I'm helpless. "Okay let's think about it. Maybe they stayed an extra night. Maybe the car broke down. Maybe his phone is broken."
"What, Henry's too? Don't you find it a little coincidental that they're both broken?" I shout. She looks down at her thighs with guilt. "Emma, I'm sorry it's just-"
"No. I get it. I'm honestly trying my hardest not to go insane right now, I mean Henry... he... he..." I know what she wants to say, but she can't get the words out.
"Emma, it's okay." I hug her as she lifts up her head. "What's up?" I ask her.
"We have to find them, Regina." She tells me.
"Yeah, but-"
"No. No buts. Okay? We're going to do this. Together."
"Ugh there you go again with hope speeches," I mutter. She glares at me. "Sorry... but yes. We have to do it together."
"Okay. I'll be here tomorrow and we can talk about it. You okay with that or?.."
"Yeah, no, it's perfectly okay. Just... not too early."
"Why? Does the queen need her sleep?"
"You have no idea."
"Okay. I'll be here 'not too early'."
"Oh, but not too late either."
"Okay. See you tomorrow." She says as she gets up and leaves.

I go back to my kitchen and look at the two items I found at my door.
The first is an arrow.
But not just any old arrow.
It's one of his arrows.
I carefully pick it up and look at it for any clues to who put this here. No signs of anything.
Then I pick up the other. A slip of paper with neat writing on.
Gone. I read
"Oh shit..." I think. This can't be happening. I scrunch up the paper into a ball, throw it on the floor and storm up to my room.
I lie on my bed, and the tears begin to fall. Slowly. Then faster. I bury my face into my pillow, clenching my hands into fists, my nails digging into my palms. Deeply. I sit up for a bit and think. Then it all goes the other way. I stand. I grab my blanket and yank it onto the floor, proceeding to do the same with everything else on my bed. I take one look at myself in my mirror. My face is red and blotchy, my eyes all puffy. I see the necklace that Robin once gave me lying there, pick it up and throw it at the mirror till it cracks. I fall once again onto my bed, lying without anything, tears still falling from my eyes. Which is the last thing I remember, when I eventually fall asleep.


A/N: Okay so this chapter was originally meant to be longer. But I'm just going to leave it here for now. And I'm sorry it's not very good but oh well. I'll try and update ASAP. Leave comments maybe? Ilyasm ♡

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