Chapter 20

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A/N: Okay so this might probably be the only chapter that won't be written in Regina's POV, just to mix things up a little ;) So it'll say who's POV it is and yeah ^-^


[Robin's POV]
I can't believe she's gone. I feel terrible. I never helped her. I couldn't. Zelena has to be somewhere, but I still can't help Regina. She has my heart.

[Emma's POV]
"Zelena?!" I shout, but I hear nothing but my voice echoing in the small, but dark surroundings. "Ugh, where the hell am I?" I think. I look around but can't make out where I am.
"Who's in here?" I hear a voice echo around me.
"Hello?" I ask.
"Who is this?"
"I'm Emma," I tell them.
"Mom?" They reply. Then I realise who it is.
"Yeah." I try to follow his voice, but the echoing makes it hard. And then I eventually find him.

[Henry's POV]
Her warm hands grab me and pull me into a hug, instantly warming me up.
"Henry, do you have any clue as to where she are?" She asks me.
"No, just that I've been here for... maybe a few days?" I reply. She takes a deep sigh and she sits on the rock.
"Hey, come here kid." She says as she pulls me down, and I sit next to her as we wait to be saved. Zelena magic-proofed the place, so we're helpless.
"Do you ever think we'll get out of here?" I question. She sighs once again. She knows the answer, she knows it's bad. She doesn't know whether to tell me or not. So I reassure her. "Mom, you can tell me. I can cope with this." Eventually she gives in.
"Henry... I- I don't think so..." She takes a long pause, but eventually she speaks again. "But we have each other. It's better than being alone, isn't it?"
"Yeah, I guess." I reply.

[Robin's POV]
I know where Henry is, and so Emma is probably with him. I just don't know whether or not I should go. Zelena has my heart, and I can only think of the consequences that can come out of annoying her.
But Regina would do it. She would want me to.
I decide to get up from the ground, even though I'm still in pain. I walk out of the room, go up the vault stairs and out into the forest.
I head out to the rock in which Zelena has 'hidden'- more like trapped- them.
It's sealed shut. No way in or out, except through magic. I quickly head into the town and enter the miner's shop. When I enter, I see Leroy sat at the counter.
"Hey, listen," I begin. "Your axes can cut through anything, right?"
"Yeah," Leroy replies. "Why?"
"I need to borrow one." I tell him.
"No. No one borrows axes here." He says firmly.
"Please... it's for Emma and Henry. They're trapped and I need to save them." I try to explain.
"Oh yeah? And how do I know you're not working for Zelena? You've been gone for a lot longer than anyone expected and-"
"Yes, because I returned early to surprise Regina and then she just... took us! How do you think I'm working for her? I don't even-"
"Uh- who was the one that made her pregnant? You should have noticed your dear old wife, Marian-"
"But... it wasn't true love. My true love, is Regina. And I can't save her alone. I need someone. Emma can help. And so can Henry, he's a smart kid. So unless you want Regina to suffer at the hands of Zelena-"
"No, you know I'm alright with that. All those years off suffering for us? You don't think we feel anything?"
"Regina's changed! And unless you a want to be the villains, I suggest you help me,"
"Oh, we're never the villains, we're the innocent bystanders dragged into this mess!"
"Okay this is the last time I'm going to ask. Are you going to help me, or not?" I ask.
"No." He replies sternly. I take a deep breath.
"Okay. Alright. Fine." I say as I walk towards the door and leave.
I wait for a few hours for it to get dark. The other miners return to put their equipment away and I wait for Leroy to close the shop. I'm going to have to do what I do best.
Once they're gone, I return and pick the lock. I get it open and I sneak inside, taking the first axe I see before the security system detects me. I run out and go to the rock in which Emma and Henry are trapped in and hit at it.

[Henry's POV]
I hear clanging from above and Mom takes hold of my hands.
"Uh, mom? What is that?" I ask.
"I have no idea." She replies. Suddenly all the rock above us collapses. She grabs me and pulls me to the ground as all the fragments of the rock come tumbling down. I see the midnight sky and the small stars and firstly think it is all a trick. That is, until I see Robin.
"Sorry it took me so long," He begins. "Couldn't find an axe... got it now though." Mom hold onto my hand tightly as Robin pulls her up.
"Oh my gosh, thank you so much Robin." She says.
"No problem." He replies. "Now let's return this axe before someone notices, then we can sleep and look for Roland and Regina tomorrow."
"Wait- you stole that axe?" I ask.
"Uh, more like borrowed it? Leroy wouldn't let me have it- he was against saving Regina and thought I was with Zelena."
"Doesn't she still have your heart?.." She asks him.
"Yes, but I'll do anything to save my true love."

[Emma's POV]
After we return the axe, we head to Regina's house and Robin unlocks the door.
"Wait are we just gonna go in here? Just like that? Isn't that like breaking and entering?.." I ask.
"Well, not really, if you have a key." He tells me. "Plus, we have Henry, this is technically his home."
"So we're just gonna go in?"
"Yeah, why not?"

[Robin's POV]
That night, all I can think about is Roland, where my boy must be, and Regina, the things that Zelena must be doing to her. I go into her bed and lie down, but it doesn't feel right. She's not there next to me. She's not there to make sure I'm alright, and I'm not with her, protecting her like I should be. She's alone and lost, and I want her back.

A/N: oooo okay so I said at the start this might be the only chapter in other people's POV but maybe not now I'll think about it k but comment what you'd prefer- Regina's POV or another chapter in everyone else's POV

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