what they likes abt you

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daryl - he likes how tough and stong you are. he likes how your not a pussy and can fight back. he loves your body and how sexy you are, and all the scars on you, he also loves to trace and kiss them. he thinks people look very boring without any scars or stretch marks, or things like that, so he loves every little detail abt you.

rick - he loves how amazing you have always been at everything. he thinks your just perfect. he loves your eyes, he can tell how your feeling just by the way they look. he also loves your creativity and problem solving. he thinks you have amazing skills.

glenn - he loves your lips, how soft they are, and he really loves kissing you. he loves the way you smile, and just the way you act and do things. he also loves your hands and how gentle you try to be with things.

carl - he loves your eyes and they way they glow. he also loves your (hopefully) bubbly personality and sense of humor. he also really loves your laugh and your smile, even though you dont think your teeth look nice, he always complements them no matter what.

ron - he loves the way you do things, and your sense of humor. he also loves how you can light up a room with your beauty, he thinks your the most beautiful girl ever.

maggie - she loves your hair. she likes brushing it, braiding it, trying new styles with it, she loves the way it smells. speaking of scent she also loves the way you smell, shes the type of girl to take one of your hoodies because it smells like you and never give it back.

michonne - she loves how tough and strong you are. she admires how you do things and how good you are. she also just loves you for you. personality is everything, and you have an amazing one.

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