showing pda

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(pda means public display of affection if you guys don't know, #learninganewthingeveryday)

daryl - he doesn't really show much pda, he only does things when hes horny. when he does anything it's basically a signal he wants to fuck like rn. even when hes horny he tries to make it as low as possible so nobody sees. he'll rub your inner thigh, give you a peck on the cheek maybe. sometimes when hes around people he doesn't like he puts his arm around you and stays very close to you so they know your his, but besides that pretty much no pda.

rick - he thinks pda is stupid so he very rarely does it. it really depends on who hes with, like he has to really trust them in order to kiss you or something in front of them because he gets embarrassed. he really prefers to do stuff in private where he can let his guard down and only focus on you, so thats what he does. but when you guys are in private he is all over you because he loves you so much.

glenn - he only shows it when hes happy, when he's feeling down he'll kinda ignore you and not look at you, but when hes happy its different. he likes to put his arm around you while your sitting together, and kiss you on the lips. sometimes he even does that spin thing where he grabs your hand and spins you around, and then you guys kiss. (hes mad corny)

carl - he shows TONS of pda, not when hes around his dad though. when you guys are hanging around ron and mikey he is ALWAYS near you and touching you and showing all of his love for you. he doesnt want anyone to try to take you away from him.

ron - basically carl, there is never a time where he isnt touching you. he loves showing off, it doesn't matter who your with or where you are, hes touching you

maggie - she doesnt do too much pda, but she gives the occasional kiss on the cheek. sometimes she'll hold your hand and suprise you by hugging you from behind. it really depends on who your with, like if you guys were together while hershel was still alive she would barely look at you while around him, but if its other people thats a different story.

michonne - shes more lovey in private, but she kisses you and touches you from time to time. she just thinks it takes her focus of everything else so she doesn't do it much as everyone else

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