how they comfort you

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daryl - hes not good at comforting, he never really got comforted so he never learned. he gives you hugs if you want them, and he'll try to give you advice on how to deal witb shit but it never works.

rick - he holds you and gives you pretty good advice. he tries his best to empathize with you too, hes pretty good at comforting people and making them feel better since lori was good at it.

glenn - he hugs you and tries to get your mind of what your sad about by making you laugh or something, he just doesnt know what to say to you.

carl - he never really learned how to comfort so its kinda akward. hes like daryl and hugs you and stuff. he gives you advice based of things hes done and went through even though its not the best.

ron - he actually has no clue how any of that works. he doesnt know what its like to be sad tbh, so he just listens to you be sad and says "that sucks" to everything.

maggie - she listens to you and tells you how everythings okay, she hugs you and cuddles you. she'll literally do whatever you want to make you feel better.

michonne - shes amazing at comforting and giving advice. she has been through alot so she most definitely can understand whats going on with you. she gives you good advice on what to do and stuff, and she really just overall makes you feel alot better.

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