shut up, slut - carl

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you think carl hates your guts, then his dad makes you go on a run together, and it was raining. you were dreamched and wanted help choosing clothes to chamge into , then you guys end up fucking.

angry carl smut with degradation and rough sex.

your pov:

i think carl hates me. we used to talk sometimes, but now whenever we talk it seems like he just doesnt wanna talk to me, he doesnt make eye contact, and hes just dry and rude. hes changed.

his father, rick, informed me that me and carl were supposed to go on a run together tuesday, it was sunday. we needed to get meds and food because we were running low. i didnt really care, but i wondered if carl felt the same.

tuesday came. the walk in the woods and through the town was quiet, an akward quiet. its like he payed no mind to me being there, he ingored me. but i just kept walking.

it started drizzling, which was no big deal, it took me a while to notice the droplets of water on me anyway.

the more time went by, the more rain that fell. we were both getting wetter by the minute, drenched. the rain was cold and heavy, and we were dripping with it.

he started to walk faster, kind of jogging, so i ran after him.

the ground benith me was gross and muddy, every step i took i could hear the slushy wet noises as my feet sunk into the muddy ground.

after running in the rain for a while, we eventually made our way into something like a target, well it had the layout of a target, but it had a pharmacy. i was too focysed running that i didnt look at what the place was actually called.

i went to the clothes section, and so did carl. we were both soaked so we tried to change as fast as possible there wasnt really much but id take anything, i was freezing and soaked. my shirt was already thin and kind off see through, you could see my dark bra through it.

i picked up 2 shirts, one was red with long sleeves and small, and the other was a big navy blue tee shirt.

"which one?"

i tilted my head to the side a bit and he glared at me, annoyed. he caught a quick glance at my dripping tits.


he really couldn't say anything more than 'red'? why was he so pissed?

there were pants close by, where carl was standing, closer too the back wall, so i went up to him.

"this one, or this one?"

i pointed to each pair of jeans that had my size on the hanger. he didnt answer for a second, he sighed instead.

"shut the fuck up."

he mumbled this as he put his head down and ruffled his wet hair.

"excuse me?"

he suddenly picked his head up, quickly pulled me into him and kissed me violently, but somewhat passionate. the kiss was fiery and quick. he pulled away and sighed once again.

"finally you stopped fucking talking for once, so annoying"

he mumbled the last part.

"what was-"

(i stopped writing this for like a day and didnt notice i changed the pov until now)

nobodys pov:

he ended your sentence by kissing you again, grabbing roughly on your waist this time, lifting you up and pinning you on the back wall.

the kiss was stronger than before, more angry, but kinda loving again. maybe he didnt hate you? why would he kiss you if he didnt hate you?

his hands slid up and down your wet body, and so did yours on his.

he pulled your shirt over your head, kissing and biting at your collarbones, you gasped as his teeth latched on your sensitive skin, making it turn red.

his hands soon managed to snake up your back, swiftly undoing your bra and throwing it too the side.

soon after you took his shirt off too, feeling around his damp torso.

his hands make their way to hem of your jeans, he unbuttoned and pulled them down as quickly as he could.

you were wearing a blue lace thong, it matched with your bra.

"did u wear that for me? huh? whore."

he ripped that off too. his hands went down and rubbed your wet clit, slipping his hands deep inside you.

you couldnt help but gasp at his slim, long hands inside you. he pumped them in and out of you.

"mmm fuck"

you tried your best not to moan but his fingers felt way too good inside your wet cunt.

he suddenly stopped and pulled his hands out, licking the dripping juices from his fingers. he unbuckled his pants and pulled down his briefs and his dick sprung out.

his tip was red and dripping with precum. he had some light veins around it, and it was long, pale and slim like the rest of his body.


you did as he said and wrapped your legs around him.

he slammed his dick inside you with no warning, and you couldnt help but to let out a loud moan.


you covered your mouth with your hand making your whimpers and moans muffled.

he thrusted, rough and fast, feeling him inside you made you feel like you were in the clouds, this was the best sex you've ever had, and pretty much the only sex you've ever had.

he panted and moaned in your ear. you could feel him breathe right on your neck, making you even more turned on, he sounded beautiful.

"fuck y/n, you feel so good."

the more he fucked you the louder you got, trying not to scream.

"ohmyfuckinggod. carl! im close!"

"shut up, slut."

the name sent you over the edge and you came all over his cock, going weak and panting. carl thrusted a few more times until he pulled out and moved his fist up and down himself


you opened your mouth and he came right into it, getting some on your cheeks. and you swallowed it all, wiping off the rest and licking your fingers.

after you came down from your high you put your thong back on, and the red top he chose for you earlier.

" what jeans should i pick?"

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