Blue, Red, White, and Yellow represents the color that gave as the independence we attain.
We're liberated and can do everything with a smile in our face
Sometimes, we forget the history that break the chain
We forget the people who have the courage and ready to battle their life to give honor and graceWeighing a scale in blindfold if truth be told.
The equal privilege of people will see growth.
Respect comes to those who deserves it
So be accountable to take responsibility of your actions and take itWe care for our country where we live in
We take oath and pledge to honor and give justice
To those who are blind and mute,
We'll give them ears to lend and make a sound
And voice one's opinion loudly without bigotry.
Poems and Randoms
PoetryI write poems because of school activities, when I'm bored, when I'm lonely, when I contemplate, when I wander through the four corners of the house, etc. There are also random thoughts I write in here.