23. A Dream I'll Never Forget

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I saw a guy on my dream
He was chasing me together with his friends
Throwing I don't know what it seems
I throw it back at him but he dodged it.

My heart was pounding so fast
My mind were blank all I wanted to do is escape
I look back again and found they're coming closer
In all of them, he was the only one I saw
And the others, they're faceless.

He has this face but I can't figure it out
I have never seen him before
But why it feels like I know him?
I was fluttered at the same time puffing.

I reached my destination where I saw my unknown friends laying on the grass
I look back again to the people who was chasing me
They were gone.

I woke up with impassive face
Looking at the ceiling and I took my phone
It was 1 AM in the morning
My heart was racing, and
I'm dripping wet with my sweat.

"That guy..." That's what I said in my mind after driving myself back to the oblivion.


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